Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Mine never updated after "Leaving Origin Facility" on Saturday night. 

I even had them text me updates on the package. I got a message earlier today that my status was "Notice left - insecure area"... :confused:

Yeah I am getting text updates. Or rather, not getting them. 'Notice left - insecure area' sounds terrible. Ugh, someone post some happy healthy chick pictures to cheer us hope and cross you fingers that I'll be posting some tomorrow.

This thread is moving rather fast for me to play catch up. Did you get all your packages of chicks or are you still waiting on some?
The notice left in secure area freaks me out.
I would love to have some chick pics to post but I am not getting any for 2 more weeks. I don't even have my brooder finished yet.

DH is going to freak out. I was only supposed to be getting 12 but chicken math has already hit hard.

I am getting 26 little fluffies.

4 buff laced polish
4 wellsummer
3 Bo
3 Dark Brahma
6 partridge rock
6 BA

I was only getting the PR, BA and DB until DH said he is going to miss the BO. Decided he likes the buff colored chickens.
Hi! I am waiting for my little chicks to arrive, hopefully on Friday. I am expecting a shipping notification today. I ordered from Chickens for Backyards. So far my experience has been very good with them. They have great communication and customer service. Just hoping the chicks survive the ship. I only ordered 5 and I keep reading all these stories about chicks not making it or the postal service not being very helpful with pickup/delivery. I'm also hatching eggs that are due to hatch Friday so I'm just a ball of nerves all around.

Someone post some more cute pics to get us through!

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