Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Ain't gonna lie this is flippin' killing me!
I feel like a complete ball of anxiety stress on waiting for them to ship, approximately 14 days. Doesn't help that I'm not a fan of any type of bird, so I keep having doubts, fears of what if I really can't find the love for them like the rest of this family. Then I look at the pics of the baby's and think I'm being stupid. Then look at pics of adult chickens and freak out, again. I just want them here so that I can face my stupid fears and get this new journey started.
Mine have been in the brooder for a little over 24 hours since coming home from the post office / Meyer and all is still good (fingers crossed).
Ain't gonna lie this is flippin' killing me!
I feel like a complete ball of anxiety stress on waiting for them to ship, approximately 14 days. Doesn't help that I'm not a fan of any type of bird, so I keep having doubts, fears of what if I really can't find the love for them like the rest of this family. Then I look at the pics of the baby's and think I'm being stupid. Then look at pics of adult chickens and freak out, again. I just want them here so that I can face my stupid fears and get this new journey started.
Silly:) Same fears a "Daddy" typically has when having a kid. You see a grown teen and think "Gah- why would I want that?!!!" but you see your baby and you're like"awwwwww" Then as you watch them grow and start seeing them recognize you and your voice the bond grows so that when they are adults they are still your "babies". Trust me, my husband was all "hard core" like , "they're just stupid chickens, we are eating them or killing them when they stop laying" Now he's bringing them inside, putting chicken diapers on them, calling them "Pets with benefits"...
Silly:) Same fears a "Daddy" typically has when having a kid. You see a grown teen and think "Gah- why would I want that?!!!" but you see your baby and you're like"awwwwww" Then as you watch them grow and start seeing them recognize you and your voice the bond grows so that when they are adults they are still your "babies". Trust me, my husband was all "hard core" like , "they're just stupid chickens, we are eating them or killing them when they stop laying" Now he's bringing them inside, putting chicken diapers on them, calling them "Pets with benefits"... 

This is good to hear! I understand the anxiety. I sometimes think "what am I doing??" But I know this will be an awesome experience for all of us. I'm also really hoping my husband comes around. He's tolerant of my hobbies but he's not really excited like I am.
Maybe you can find a friend or family near you who wants 9 and split them with you?

I haven't found any family or friends who don't think I'm nuts to pay money for something that will require trudging through the elements to take care of when Kroger always has eggs. I'll just wait...and wait...and wait....sigh.
I am! I ordered 25 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. Oh! and one exotic breed chick!

4 Pearl White Leghorn pullets
1 Pearl White Leghorn Cockerel
9 Buff Orpington pullets
1 Buff Orpington cockerel
9 White Rock pullets
1 Dark Cornish cockerel
1 Exotic rare chick

After ordering I realized, they're all gonna look yellow as chicks! =D Well, except the dark cornish cockerel and the exotic one I guess...

If they all survive,
I'm planning on breeding my own version of meat chickens using the white rocks and dark cornish roo. I know, they're not gonna be as big, or even close to commercial birds, but I just wanted to have some fun with that. Buff orpingtons are also meant to be for meat, but that would be the next generation. Leg horns are for eggs. =)

Soooo, that's my plan! What's yours? and when are you going to buy more chicks? How many? from where? what breeds? why? =D

I'm waiting on THREE orders of chicks.

Watson Ridge Ranch:
10 Tolbunt Polish

Ideal Poultry:
5 Sultans
5 Porcelain D'Uccles

Cackle Hatchery:
5 Speckled Sussex pullets
5 Welsummer pullets
5 Easter Egger pullets
I'm waiting on THREE orders of chicks.

Watson Ridge Ranch:
10 Tolbunt Polish

Ideal Poultry:
5 Sultans
5 Porcelain D'Uccles

Cackle Hatchery:
5 Speckled Sussex pullets
5 Welsummer pullets
5 Easter Egger pullets

TOLBUNT are so incredibly cool looking! I am hoping you will share the cutness when they get there.
Silly:) Same fears a "Daddy" typically has when having a kid. You see a grown teen and think "Gah- why would I want that?!!!" but you see your baby and you're like"awwwwww" Then as you watch them grow and start seeing them recognize you and your voice the bond grows so that when they are adults they are still your "babies". Trust me, my husband was all "hard core" like , "they're just stupid chickens, we are eating them or killing them when they stop laying" Now he's bringing them inside, putting chicken diapers on them, calling them "Pets with benefits"...

You're so right! I look my teens now and think "wth was I thinking wanting these heathens". Let's get this show on the road.
Got one of those. Just went through World War III regarding the fact that not doing homework = loss of electronic privileges. We're up to 12 days of silence from the electronic babysitter! Gosh, they're cute as babies, aren't they?

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