Anyone in WV???

Tout bien ou rien.
Vincere est vivere. LOLOL

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I'm being lazy- are they sexable at birth? I'd like a little pullet hatchling if so- what color?

They aren't at birth. There aren't too breeds that are auto sexing :) I don't really have any pullets I want to part with at the moment. I love the colors too much :) I have black mottleds, blues, a white, a buff, and possibly a splash and black
They aren't at birth. There aren't too breeds that are auto sexing :) I don't really have any pullets I want to part with at the moment. I love the colors too much :) I have black mottleds, blues, a white, a buff, and possibly a splash and black

Would love to see some new pics of your cochins. :D
I have a 7-week old pair of lavender orpingtons, if anyone is interested. I hatched 3 several weeks before these, and 2 are male, and I needed those to swap out my current males. But this younger pair, I can tell one is male, and one female, so I dont really need them. Would like to rehome them together.

Also considering processing my older 2 roos, they are a little over a year old, unless anyone is interested in them as well!

There's 4 hen options, black mottled, Millie, blue, and a half silkie and half Cochin hen. Then the roos were blue, birchen, and barred. It'll be fun!

Awww they are so cute!

Hey, do you need any more ducks? I have a couple extra drakes, 12 weeks old.
No crested ones though.
Ok I've got a question for you folks! I contacted some people about a pair of swans... We live on a large 1000+ acre farm and have 5+ ponds. I thought a pair of swans would be pretty and neat! This breeder from PA informed me owning mute swans in wv was not permittable.... Although, I contacting ort local fish and game officer and he said there was no need for a permit as swans are categorized with geese... Anyone have more info on this subject?
Also, anyone with quality blrws?!

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