Anyone interested in starting a BYC Grocery Coupon Train?


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
I am wondering if anyone here would be interested in starting a coupon train? A coupon train is when you and a group of friends exchange coupons via snail mail. You mail out the coupons you don't use to someone in the train, and in exchange receive the coupons you need. Maybe we could have small groups of 2 or 3 people that exchange with each other.

*Every Sunday when you get the paper. Go through it and clip out all coupons. Take what you want and put the rest into an envelope to send to the person you send to each week.

*Every week by Saturday, you should receive an envelope from your coupon buddy with coupons. Take out the coupons you want and put the rest into an envelope. Put both sets of coupons you don't want (the coupons you got from the newspaper from that Sunday and any coupons you get in the mail from that week) into an envelope. Mail to the next coupon buddy.

If anyone is interested in starting a grocery coupon train, please reply to this post and PM me with your name, mailing address, and your e-mail address. It's open to anyone interested in sending grocery store coupons to another member of the train. It's fun and a great way to save a little money! Some grocery stores double or triple coupons, so coupons could be worth a little more depending on where you shop.
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