anyone online now??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
I need some advice!!

I have a broody hen, she has been for 3 weeks now. Yesterday a lady gave me some of her hens eggs which started to hatch.

I put them under my hen no problems and this morning a fluffy little black chick was under her!

now when should the others hatch if they will?

Will the hen now look after the baby? she is protective of it and comes to it when it calls so is it best to leave it to her?
Nature is taking it's course. She's being a good mama and you don't need to do a thing. You'll be seeing more babies soon! Just relax and get your camera. Everything's fine.
Thanks for the support its all new and exciting!!

Ive had a bit of a read but Im still kinda flapping lol

I read that when the chicks in the other eggs hear peeping they will try to get out, too. Hopefully you will have some more in the next day.
Just thought i would update everyone we have two little chicks and my word are they just the cutest lol
proud grandma here lol!!!
I must get some piccies too.

None of the other eggs have hatched and its been 4 days although the hen is still sitting, should i remove the eggs now or could they still hatch?
If the other eggs have all been incubated for the same amount of time, I would say that they won't hatch now. You might want to put the momma with the babies and get them out of the nest. Monty

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