Anyone raise Chickens, Ducks and Geese?

And mine. Weeds are out. And, grass has to be a very specific blade out of thousand or it is on to the next bunch of grass.
Spoiled rotten aren't they?
LOL We have 8 acres. Sounds like I would have to pen the grass up until we could get it cut. LOL So, that is about 10 geese per acre? I'd need almost 80 geese?!!

I have been waiting for it to rain again, for a couple of days, before I go out and try pulling those weed trees.

I just need my guineas to stay so that the chiggers quit eating me up. I can't go outside without something biting me. Usually, it's mosquito's but not this year. I have a 3-4 inch rash of bites around my ankles, bites up my arms, bites under my clothes. I really hate biting bugs. I just started letting my keets out of their cage because guineas in my area tend to come up missing. Apparently, a neighbor way out back of us, more than 5 miles, has guineas and when I have guineas, they want to be with other guineas. Maybe those people have moved or gotten rid of their guineas since last year. I can only hope. LOL BTW, I guess chiggers taste bad cause it doesn't look like the ducks eat them.

jtn: do you have more than just geese? How do you like their eggs? Better or worse than chicken eggs?
have you tried using essential oil of lavender in some water in a spray bottle then spray around your ankles and arms clothes. I use it here for no see ums and mosquito's
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Nope, have tried the dryer sheets. I don't think it helped. LOL I will have to look for some lavender oil when I go to the health food store next time.
I don't find my Chinese goose was any harder to raise than my ducks. They are great. I know if anything unusual is going on outside because he sounds the alarm.
jtn: do you have more than just geese? How do you like their eggs? Better or worse than chicken eggs?
I have chickens, ducks and geese...and dogs but they do not lay eggs. 24 chickens producing on average 20 eggs each day. 24 ducks (only 3 mature females) who produce 3 eggs daily with a day off each week. And 3 geese (one male two females). The geese are still young and will have their first breeding season this year. It is my hope they will sit their nest and produce goslings for me to enjoy. Of course we enjoy our chicken eggs each day and have plenty left to sell. What are left each week, usually 9-10 dozen, get donated to Loaves and Fishes, a CFM food pantry in the little town near us. The duck eggs we sell to a lady that does wedding cakes, keep a few for ourselves and usually have a dozen or so to donate as well. We enjoy the duck eggs scrambled with tomatoes, hot peppers and onions or with chorizo and hot peppers. I have never had a goose egg so I can't judge them though it seems like it would be an awfully lot of egg to eat.

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