Anyone Setting eggs on 4/10/12??? Want to hatch with me?

Finally got started on that hatcher (as in I bought most of the stuff). Better actually get started on putting it together, so I'll at least maybe get it one in time (of course I would still need 24 hrs to get the temperature worked out). I'll see, if not i can use it on my next batch. Plus, I've already got it figured out, got my first duck egg of the year today and plan to hatch some depending on how much she has laid in the next 10 days.
So I candled again, one last time before lock down, and pulled 10 eggs. 3 had quit since i candled last, and 7 were definately duds, so Im down to 32. I'm happy with that! Now if I can get them all to hatch, that would be even better.
Well, lockdown is in two days and 7 eggs look good. The rest look WAY to small (they looked like they died pretty early). I don't exactly trust my judgment though so I will leave them in there until right before lockdown. I hoping to get 5-6 chicks this time and will be amazed to get all 7 :D
Well it sounds like everyone is gearing up for lockdown..... so excited!!

I am debating on how to do my hatch. Last year I always put the eggs in egg cartons and had great luck with that. But I dont think that I have enough room (incubator is FULL) to do that this round. So, I am wondering how much I am going to have to turn up the incubator? I have a still air LG and right now a auto turner. So, in other words, when I take the turner out and put the eggs on the bottom the temp will be much lower. I am super worried out it, really dont want to mess it up this far into the game.

I got my brooder set up though!!
Checking the temps in it right now. I think that the chicks are going directly out to the garage in the new BIG brooder. Still kinda worried about drafts.
I thought we were going to go out of town tomorrow but we are going today. When do you think I should put them into lockdown? I'm going to need some time to set the temperature up..
I thought we were going to go out of town tomorrow but we are going today. When do you think I should put them into lockdown? I'm going to need some time to set the temperature up..

I guess putting them in lockdown Early is better than to late??..What day is your lockdown supposed to be? Friday I am assuming? How are you planning on keeping your humidity up while you are gone?
Tomorrow is supposed to be lockdown. I figure I'll just fill up the water and put a wet sponge in while I'm gone. I don't know what else I can do. I really wish we could stay and go next weekend, but IDK. My eggs already got in the way of us going once and my sister would kill me if it did again. I guess in a way it is better. That way I can't check on them every five minutes and be dying to candle them, LOL
Well, I'm going to be leaving in about an hour. I put them into lockdown about half an hour ago. The temperature is at 97 and the humidity is at 45%. I hope that will work for them. I will be checking it every 15 minutes or so until we leave, so I'll see.
I have 3 chicks that hatched yesterday and there was a double yolker that did not develop at all, but could someone tell me please when do the chicks start eating after hatching, I left them in the incubator until they all hatched and I put them under the brooder this morning but they dont seem to want to eat or drink am I doing something wrong.

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