Anyone Setting eggs on 4/10/12??? Want to hatch with me?

I have 3 chicks that hatched yesterday and there was a double yolker that did not develop at all, but could someone tell me please when do the chicks start eating after hatching, I left them in the incubator until they all hatched and I put them under the brooder this morning but they dont seem to want to eat or drink am I doing something wrong.

When you put the in the brooder did you dip their beaks in the water? It helps them to learn what their little beaks are for.

I ended up with 3 Call ducklings and 4 Turkeys. Love them but boy, the turkeys are so noisy!
I hear chirping in the incubator and have one egg pipping. I'm broadcasting my hatch online

So, today is day 20 and I dont have any action yet... I am hoping that they are just running a little behind because of the low temps in the beginning. After the last candling I have 39/41. The two I threw out had obvious blood rings and had quit awhile ago. Not to bad going into lockdown.

I got 25 chicks from a 4H chick auction on Saturday. One of the chicks had crooked toes and splay leg.... I had been doctoring it and thought that it was doing a little better today. But then I think that it got smothered by the other chicks about an hour ago and died. Just got done burying it under the apple tree. sad.

I need some pips to perk me up!!
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I still haven't heard anything. I am going to candle them when it gets dark (in about two hours). Although, (I wouldn't remember) my moms says that last time it didn't start peeping until the night of the 21 day.
I only have 2 eggs left (out of 7) that made it to lockdown. I'm afraid to open my LG styrofoam incubator because I've heard that the open air can shrink wrap the chick? (the membrane or something like that?) I'd like to candle them to see if they are okay, tonight marks the 20th night. If I open it up and candle, could it kill the chick if its still alive?
I only have 2 eggs left (out of 7) that made it to lockdown. I'm afraid to open my LG styrofoam incubator because I've heard that the open air can shrink wrap the chick? (the membrane or something like that?) I'd like to candle them to see if they are okay, tonight marks the 20th night. If I open it up and candle, could it kill the chick if its still alive?

I wouldn't bother candling. Just wait it out. You really don't need to candle this late.. you can feel them move just holding the egg.
My day 21 just began at 6:00pm. I'm hatching German New Hampshires. Received 15, lost 5 to blood rings, etc., and locked down 10. I have 4 chicks that hatched so far this afternoon and evening and three more pips at the moment.

I moved my Euskal Oiloa/Basque Hens outside yesterday and cleaned out the brooder this evening. It should be occupied again soon!

Good luck to everyone with their hatches!!!! I wish you all the best.

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