Anyone use Koop Clean?

This is the first time using koop-clean in the brooder, I have tried different types of bedding and I believe this is the best. I change it every three days because right now I have 16 chicks that are heavy duty pooping machines. Just make sure you give them chick grit because I caught several of them eating little pieces of hay. I know koop-clean has some sweet PDZ which can work as grit too but I am super cautious and I am giving them the chick grit. Also make sure you clean all the wet material around the waterer very often, I had a close call with coccidiosis, caught it right on time. I am training them to use water nipples, they really like them and are constantly drinking from them. Some hay got caught between the cage and the the wooden base and I was unaware it was wet from the nipples drinking, for some reason they like to pick at wet hay.

Good luck with your chicks, may them turn into beautiful healthy hens....
are you using this for the nesting boxes? Thanks!!

For my older hens I use a finer wood shaving in the coop because it composts faster and is easier to scoop the poop. I use regular wood shavings in the run. And I use straw in the nest box. The hens love to rearrange the straw into the perfect "nest" shape while they are sitting waiting to lay.
We are raising our first batch of chicks ever. My husband was totally against having them in the house, he had heard they smell horribly and they are noisy. This mother hen was NOT going to put them in the garage, so I did a little research in backyard chickens and found a thread on Koop Clean. So I thought I'd try it to appease one of his concerns. This stuff is amazing!! The only smell ever is a fresh cecal that hadn't been covered yet. Otherwise no smell at all!!! Also very little dust created. And my girls are pretty happy and peep contentedly. The birds outside are louder. Win-Win!! I probably won't use it outside for the hens, but in the house it is perfect for the brooder. Love it
I have an incubator filled with eggs, due in 10 days. I am going to order this for the brooder on Monday! Thanks for the review!
I scoop the poop in my poop trays (like a cat litter box) daily. The runs are sand and i rake them weekly. The coop floor with the Hi Fiber Gold i use my hay/manuer rake and turn over weekly...just to stur it up.
I'm new to chickens. My babies that I hatched are in the brooder now. I bought the large formax snap & lock coop. It has a plastic bottom. I've read that if you use pine shavings throughout the birds get confused and lay not only in the nest boxes but on the floor as well. So I was planning on using pine shavings in the nest boxes and sand on the floor. But then I read about this stuff. I asked at my local feed store and they said they can order it for $16. Sounds about the average price. Do you think if I used pine in the nest boxes and Klean coop on the floor they will keep the eggs in the boxes? Also what are poop boards? Thanks!

i use poop trays not unlike poop boards only deeper. Mine hold an inch of PDZ which I scoop. Poop boards are just flat boards under the roosts that are scrapped.
i use poop trays not unlike poop boards only deeper. Mine hold an inch of PDZ which I scoop. Poop boards are just flat boards under the roosts that are scrapped.
Thank you for this post! Yes, that is what I have, poop trays! I looked into the PDZ, do you use the granular kind? Do you just scoop the poop out of the the trays? And how often do you do a full change? Thanks!
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I started using it thinking the dust level would be less than shavings,not so its worse.I will keep using it for a year as I do the deep litter method just to see if it keeps the smell down

I have been wondering if the KC has caused my hatching eggs in the nest to become shrink wraped ,.In the past occasionallyI would have a chick that would be shrink wrapped but this season I have had a lot,wondering if the pdz is drying out the membrane of the egg,has anyone else noticed this?
So I did buy the Koop clean for my brooder. My chicks are loving it but boy do they make a mess with it! The are digging through it like they're going to find gold! It's all over the place. The food dish is hidden under a pile they dug! Is this just normal chick behavior? Will they get over the "newness" of it and stop making such a mess?

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