anyone working on a white-egg laying Easter Egger? (or other white-layer cross)

Bearded Polish lay white eggs, same with Mottled Houdan. Also there's Sultans.

They're all crested though, & one has feathered feet.
Yeah, I stay away from feathered feet. Too much ice and mud where I live. And my friends who have tried crested breeds in their mixed flocks end up with bloody head troubles. Also, if I remember correctly, aren't polish eggs small?
Yeah, I stay away from feathered feet. Too much ice and mud where I live. And my friends who have tried crested breeds in their mixed flocks end up with bloody head troubles. Also, if I remember correctly, aren't polish eggs small?
For what it’s worth, I kept my brabanters in a mixed flock and they did great. But they don’t have huge crests.
I loved my Brabanters. They laid great and were friendly and I think cold hardy because they don’t have much of a comb or wattles because they’re supposed to have a beard and crest. I say supposed to because I had a clean faced one and another one with minimal crest but yeah. Ideal has them. They used to have both gold and cream and I had two of each but now they only have cream. But yeah.
Thank you. Unfortunately, it looks like they are not prolific layers, with 150-200 eggs. Also, the crested birds are not something I want in a mixed flock.
Thank you. Unfortunately, it looks like they are not prolific layers, with 150-200 eggs. Also, the crested birds are not something I want in a mixed flock.
Mine laid really well. Every single day. Just like the Leghorns. But maybe that was just mine, idk. Also I kept mine in a mixed flock including integrating with older, larger birds and they had zero issues and even bossed others around sometimes lol
Lisa Steeles cookies and cream from Meyers may be one to look at. A lot of ee qualities, stunning black and white feathering, and white egg later with 3-4 eggs per week.
Thanks. I just googled them. Unfortunately, they are not what I'm looking for :( They lay a cream egg, are crested and feather legged, and flighty and nervous according to the Meyers website.
Yeah, I stay away from feathered feet. Too much ice and mud where I live. And my friends who have tried crested breeds in their mixed flocks end up with bloody head troubles. Also, if I remember correctly, aren't polish eggs small?
I live in a similar climate, & currently have snow, & in an arctic blast. I raise silkies. No problems with heads, nor snow/ice on foot feathers.🙂

Was just listing a few bearded white egg layers.

I've never raised Polish, so I can't say anything about egg size.

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