Anything to prevent Pasty butt


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2017
Two of my 15 chicks seem to have chronic pasty butt. And the strange thing is is that they are the same breed (silver laced wyandotte - the only two of that breed in the bunch). All of the other chicks haven't had a single episode, but I'm cleaning these two off at least twice a day. Anything I can feed or give them to help?
Vinegar will not help with pasty butt....All they need is clear clean water at all times...Vasaline each chicks butts ....use a q-tip.....


It worked for us, and many others i know.
Even if you prefer not to use acv i know many who swear by it as do the chicken books i have.
It has many other benefits as well.
I do it 3-4 times a week when they are tiny.
Once a week in the adults.
I cant even imagine the mess vasaline and pine shavings would cause.
Two of my 15 chicks seem to have chronic pasty butt. And the strange thing is is that they are the same breed (silver laced wyandotte - the only two of that breed in the bunch). All of the other chicks haven't had a single episode, but I'm cleaning these two off at least twice a day. Anything I can feed or give them to help?

There are a couple common factors in situations where chronic pasty butt is a problem - one is temperature and the other is feed. What is the temperature in the coolest and warmest part of your brooder at this time? How old are the chicks? What are you currently feeding? Those who use fermented feed report reduction in occurrence of pasty butt as an advantage of using fermented feed. Even with just two of the 15 being chronic, adjustments made to the environment of the whole group can benefit those not showing issues with the pasty butt, it may just be that those two birds are already a little more compromised/less robust so they are not as readily able to shake off whatever is causing their issue as the rest of the group
We brought home some crested polish chicks last saturday, who had it bad when we got them.
I keep apple cider vinegar in their water. I had to clean them up threw times the following day and they have been fine ever since .
I dont usually have any problems after they get the apple cider vinegar in their water.
And have a few friends who do the same thing and it works for them too
The number one cause in pasty but is being it could be a bacterial infection and an antibiotic in their water is needed.....most causes are from chilling....If your using organic starter temperature needs to be carefully controlled.....

I don't think temperature is the problem. We are using a heat plate, and the temperature of the room is about 80 degrees (we have them in a bathroom with a small space electric heater). It's pretty toasty in there. They are spending most of their time running around, scratching, - not piling up or showing any signs of being cold. They sleep under the heat plate at night, but just go under it from time to time during the day. They are eating chick crumbles. Only 4 days old so maybe it will clear up. I will try the vinegar. Wondered if some breeds are more prone to it.
I've always used apple cider vinegar in my chicks water and never have had a problem with pasty butt. Worth a try! Best of luck!
Fermented feed, and give them a plug of sod from your yard: soil side up. ACV is fine for chicks on regular feed, but if you use FF, skip the ACV. Also a bit of vaseline, or any kind of oil as previously mentioned. IMO, temp being off either way can cause PB.
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