APA 2010 National: Show Results updated in post #1

Darn Kathy, between being sick and getting ready I missed this post, sorry. It would have been tight, but you could have rode down with us.

DD ran off with my camera and took a ton of pics, but I don't know of what yet. We got back late this AM and I missed getting pics myself.
We got home today from Shawnee, it was Wonderful! I got to meet friends I had been on forums with and from the clubs I belong to and found another breed to add to my flock when I find the right breeder.

One of my Serama Council friends was there and she was so kind to show me around and I learned so much from her! Thank you June!!!
I also got to meet and visit with some of the top Araucana breeders and exhibitors and the Araucana Club was there so I got to meet Ann Charles & her husband and Fritz & Joyce Ludwig. They were all hard at work promoting our breed. There were 4500 birds, not counting the ones for sale. It was amaaaaazing to see so many good birds under one roof. I have the bug now and I will be showing. I already have some show quality Serama's coming when the weather is safer to ship, it's waay too cold right now and no chance for a warm up until next weekend.

My husband Loved those giant Cochins! They were amazing and I am in the process of finding some breeders so I can get some chicks in the spring. I should have another little portable building and pen set up by then. There were several that were well over 10 pounds and about 26 inches or better. He just "filled" that big exhibition cage. Usually, my husband gives me that "look" when I'm getting a new bird but in this case, he was all over it,
I'm already picturing what a photo of one of those big boys next to one of my teeny Serama's would look like.

We only stayed for the Sat part, we headed into OK City in the late afternoon to shop at Shepperly's a bit then we met my husbands cousins who live in SW OK for dinner at the Cattlemen's Restaurant and that was Awesome!! We spent the night there in town and headed home after breakfast. All the way home we battled that wind on I-44! I was so glad to get home, all my birds were fine (still laying) and my Teensy Serama chick in the brooder is doing great and soooo cute!
14 hours on the road and we are still driving.....darn snow, then we find the only gas station without a bathroom so what do you do
....... hehehe....
Shawnee show was my first poultry show to attend and it was great and i sure am proud of the barred rocks i picked up kathyinmo , and then of course the awesome buff orps i got too , man they are huge , also picked up some nice blue and black ameraucanas .... so i did very well i do believe and hopefully if all goes well i will be showing there next year myself , got alot of hatching to do before then woo hoo cant wait , this will be a great way to break in my sportsman 1502 im buying in the spring ... also plan to buy a few more orps , from terry britt, and roy autrey , both have some awesome orps , hopeing one or the two have other colors in the orps but i can be content with these buffs for now
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I couldn't attend "in person", but I attended "virtually" through my wonderful friend and Silkie mentor Judy K. (Three Cedars Silkies). Her phone calls to me during the show oozzed with excitement and superlative descriptions. She attended with her daughter and the team leader of our new project.

The pics Judy emailed were wonderful.....and because of her keen eye for quality birds, I'm the new owner of a gorgeous lavender pullet bred & shown by Bren; the pullet won R AOV.

I'm hoping and praying circumstances will be different next year~~~and I'll be able to go "in person"
Had an amazing time at the show(although it was REALLY cold up there for a Texan LOL).
I came home with 9 new Call Ducks to add to my flock and met up with some wonderful folks there.
I will have to post some pics when it gets light enough. Had to get all of the new duckies settled last night.
Great job, Oklahoma, APA, NCBA and all else involved.
Finally awake and coherent enough to post this morning!
We figured out that we probably traveled about 4500 miles and arrived back in Florida around midnight last night.

Below are some pics...mainly of the silkies




The pic below is every breeders nightmare. The little bantam auracauna looks to be saying "What?"


After I get the pics uploaded to Picasa Web, I'll post a link to all the photos.

Congratulations to Bren, Deb and Connie on their wins!! Folks, the work these women do is phenomenal and they are to be thanked for their contributions to the silkie world! It was so good to meet them...and also, Suze Scott, Lynette from Colorado, Donnie Eldred, Sundy McClung...can't even remember everyone.
Were the paint Silkie yours? Betsyok was showing them to me and telling me about them.
I have never owned Silkies but I do think they are very pretty birds. Especially the ones at the shows that are so well taken care of.
I hope you had a nice time here. Maybe next time the weather will be warmer.
I had a SUPER time at Shawnee despite all the transportation problems I encountered! Just now got home from O'Hare Airport!

I got some stunning additions to my flock, a beautiful pair of Silver Appleyard Call females from Foley's who were BV and RV out of 10 in the Silver Appleyard variety and a pair of Pied Calls who were BV in their respective varieties; the drake was BV Blue Fawn Pied Call and the hen was BV Gray Pied Call.

I want to thank Mrs. Foley for selling me the two beautiful Appleyards but I also want to take my hat off to Patty Pickard, who donated the Pied Calls to the NCBA raffle AFTER they had won. She had Pieds listed for donation to the raffle but she gave her best after the classes were judged and with it gave someone else a rare chance to get started in the variety with national champions, and that someone is me because I won them in the raffle! Such selfless generosity is wonderfully encouraging to see and a credit to the sport and the club we belong to. Thanks, Patty!

I also want to thank Easttxchick for helping me out over the weekend and taking care of the duckies till I can get them home! We had a great time and it was another fun BYCer meetup!
I had so much fun I forgot all about taking pictures, but oh well!
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