Appenzeller Spitzhauben

That sounds like a very safe way to get ur feet wet in the fair scene. I hadn't thought about entering eggs. Of course my birds don't lay fancy eggs. Tasty eggs, but nothing like Marans eggs. Good luck & keep us posted!
:) I don't even care for a win or not - just the fun of it - the fair I go to has CATEGORIES !!! in eggs - so even the white eggs have a chance :)

but I do have good Marans eggs - and I like that deep color - so will try them .... I have one hen laying pretty dark even this late in the season.
Good luck w ur eggs!

I don't expect to win anything and that's fine. If/when I get my birds to a show, it would be to give them visibility. More people need to see & know the app spitz. Also the ASCA is working on getting the silver spitz recognized by the APA. The more silvers end up at shows, the closer the breed will get to being recognized.
I've had them for a few years. they are a nice breed, very gorgeous, they are also very hardy. But the ones i have are very flighty and skittish, and some of the roosters where very aggressive. Don't worry though I've had friendly rooster too. The hens are quite sweet once you catch them. over all they are an amazing breed, flighty, but still great!

I found this older thread of yours. Do you sell hatching eggs from your Silver Spitz? I am interested in either eggs or chicks that are just a few days old. Please send me a private message as to availability or referral to someone else who has them.

Thank you.

This is my Buddy & Hollly that I am just in love with. They are my breeding pair.
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