How many eggs did you set?

  • 1 - 5 eggs

    Votes: 19 16.5%
  • 6 - 10 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 11 - 15 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 16 - 20 eggs

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • 21 - 25 eggs

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • 26 - 30 eggs

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • 31 - 40 eggs

    Votes: 12 10.4%
  • 41 - 50 eggs

    Votes: 14 12.2%
  • 51+

    Votes: 15 13.0%

  • Total voters
I don't candle now intil day 10, but 100% fertility has been rare for me. Keep them in and wait. Also, do it at night so you have the best visabiity possible.

Do I need to do something for this little one? It hatched an hour ago. Hasn't moved much, won't stand and is very small compared to the others. He had a long hatch. So maybe just tired? But still seems weak.
I don't candle now intil day 10, but 100% fertility has been rare for me.  Keep them in and wait.  Also, do it at night so you have the best visabiity possible.;)

Thank you for the reassurance! I will wait a few more days and try looking again. Especially since this is my first attempt I wasn't expecting great results but was hoping more were fertilized to start with! Fingers crossed that I just missed some veining! :)
Thank you for the reassurance! I will wait a few more days and try looking again. Especially since this is my first attempt I wasn't expecting great results but was hoping more were fertilized to start with! Fingers crossed that I just missed some veining! :)

I have a BBS orp roo and BA hens and a lot of the time I can't tell on day seven. That was good advice you got on making sure it is SUPER dark when you candle. That makes a huge difference. I'm sure yours are fine.

Do I need to do something for this little one? It hatched an hour ago. Hasn't moved much, won't stand and is very small compared to the others. He had a long hatch. So maybe just tired? But still seems weak.

Poor thing was probably just exhausted. At least it made it out. How's it doing now???? :pop
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Can I join this or do I have to wait till May? I have set 40 eggs due to hatch April 9th and I set them on March 20th 20 are shipped barnyard mix and 20 are from my own barnyard mix.
Thanks Justin
Yesterday on Easter Day The Black Gall (Brahma sweetie) started her 3 weeks sit. She sat in the box where all the others are laying as well, no problem, I took the box with chicken and eggs and put it in the rabbit hutch, that I keep for these occasions. She didn't move, just made this funny noise of a broody hen. I put back another box for the others, hope they cannot tell the difference, because sometimes they change places and I have to look everywhere, because they run free during the day.

I changed the eggs later that day, because I know she sure is broody as broody can be. She pushed her body against the bottom of the box, protecting the fake eggs, so I had some trouble changing them, haha. I set 15 eggs from my neigbours flock of Brahmas I gave to her last year. Since my rooster has been killed by a fox, I hope there will be another one waiting in one of these 15 eggs.

Happy hatching everybody!

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