How many eggs did you set?

  • 1 - 5 eggs

    Votes: 19 16.5%
  • 6 - 10 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 11 - 15 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 16 - 20 eggs

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • 21 - 25 eggs

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • 26 - 30 eggs

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • 31 - 40 eggs

    Votes: 12 10.4%
  • 41 - 50 eggs

    Votes: 14 12.2%
  • 51+

    Votes: 15 13.0%

  • Total voters
First pip zipped and it's a girl. Red sex link.
Another pip in one of the oegb x eggs and a couple small pips.
I have a couple in there that needed a extra day anyway. We're running slow this hatch.

Three out, two mid pip to zip, one passed during zip. No other pips yet that I saw.

Sorry about the one that passed :(

First pip zipped and it's a girl. Red sex link.
Another pip in one of the oegb x eggs and a couple small pips.
I have a couple in there that needed a extra day anyway. We're running slow this hatch.
keep us updated :D
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keep us updated :D[/quote]

Incubator full of pips, we were worried but it appears to just be slow hatching this go around.
Definitely blame the power outage this week

got pips in all out groups except the silkie eggs :(
notgvenup hop
This is too funny not to share
My daughter now understands why folks put blue and pink ribbons on their mailboxes.
so we are off to the store for some pink and blue ribbons for her to tie on the coops door.
This is too funny not to share
My daughter now understands why folks put blue and pink ribbons on their mailboxes.
so we are off to the store for some pink and blue ribbons for her to tie on the coops door.

Too cute!

I need 9 ribbons right now, 3 in process and still no pips from the other 30ish eggs. But it's still early on, day 22.
We have 4 more babies this morning! YEA!

Two more to go, one has pipped. And the other one I have been questioning. Candled it last night looks good all around I just never see any movement.

We have already collected 30 eggs to start our next hatch.
Hi Everyone. I just sent a PM, and would like to join the hatch along. This is my first time hatching, and will be my first time owning chickens. Good luck everyone!

Breed Set:
4 Barred Plymouth Rock
3 Buff Orpinton
3 White Cochin
3 Black Australorp

# of Eggs: 13 shipped eggs (no turning in first 48 hours)

Set Day: April 3rd

Hatch Day: April 24th

So far...1 blood ring (dead?), 12 developing at day 7!

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Never did a HAL. Had a hatch on April 1 that started on March 31 and I didn't know whether I should do march or April HAL. But, I have developed another broody. My DH doesn't want any more chicks right now so I'm just letting her have 2 eggs. These are due
April 30. Don't know what's up with the end off the month thing. Happy hatching everyone.

Mine are due 4/30 as well. I know it's too early to candle (Day 3) but it's my bday sooo... lol;). I took out the 4 lightest eggs, non-marans, and checked. All 4 show an eye and starting veins. Whoohoo! The dark brown and the green eggs I won't candle until day 7.
@mommaschickens My hatch day is the 24th also! I have 5 black tailed white Japanese bantam and 7 easter egger crossed with my buff silkie roo eggs going. We have 11 confirmed and 1 maybe. I checked one of my maybes last night and saw a swimmer so my 10 confirmed bumped to 11. So excited.

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