April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

my April fools baby hatched this morning!

Love baby cows! So cute.

5 babies in a bucket. #6 hadn't made any progress since yesterday so I picked away a bit of the shell and opened the membrane just enough for it to breathe. I sure hope it makes it out by the morning. I added more hot water to my sponges to keep the humidity up so hopefully that will do the trick.
they are so cute! I love babies!
Also just read your last post that the last one hatched. Wonderful! I am so happy for you.
Installed a fan on the hovabator and ran it all day Sunday to verify temp. Set the following eggs Sunday evening, so hoping for good results

25 Ameracauna
6 Polish
4 Wellsummer
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My eggs are on day 24 now. I candled them and they are all still moving. Days 1-17 temp was 99-100 degrees and humidity was about 35%. Days 18-current(24) temp is still 99-100 degrees and humidity 75%. None of them have internally pipped from what I could tell and none of them have hatched. Do you guys think they will still hatch since they are still moving? What do you think went wrong? or what do i need to change?
Ahhhhh, it's so hard to be patient! lol

I think you just need to be patient........ What is going on this am?
I forget who asked but red pepper flakes or powder in with some food will increase egg production for about 3-5 days :) I do like 1/2tsp to1tsp per LF bird

Also I am on day 17 today!!!!!! and I need some advice on lock down as this is my first time with an incubator....

I will/ am thinking about... moving the eggs to a still air incubator to hatch as I have goose eggs in with them that will not hatch for a few more weeks but if I do this I would like to wait as long as possible before moving them to the still air... as I do not trust it overly much

1) right now the eggs are rocked back and forth with a brinsea advanced... when do I need to turn this off... earliest and latest and pro's and con's for each

2)when should humidity be raised earliest and latest with pros and cons

3)should I just hatch them in the brinsea along with the goose eggs...
~ as I would think that the extra humidly would not effect the goose eggs as much as they should be at a higher level anyways....Right?

4) if I move the eggs to the dry air incubator what should the temp range be... and when should I move them (on day 20 or as the start to break through?).....
~and is slightly hotter or cooler temps more ok for hatching eggs.....my dry air incubator either seems to run hot or cool for the air temp like 93-100/101 or 98-104/105 which of these ranges would be the safer one to hatch with

I have 8 eggs that just came today, and are due on the 22nd. I have 8 Salmon Faverolles in my Mini Advance! One has an air cell detached and floating around the egg... What do I do???

With shipped eggs I let them sit for 12-24 hours before setting them. Once I set them I do not turn them for a full7 days. This helps the embryo get stronger and sometimes the air cell will reattach.
Started off with

12 Bresse eggs
9 Swedish Flowering hens eggs
12 Salmon Favorelles eggs

The Bresse and Faverolles are all developing and doing well so far. Out of the 9 SFHs, 6 were clear so I have 3 left. That is a little bit of a bummer. The Swedish were shipped with the Bresse which are all doing great so far. I am kind of kicking myself for not opening them up and checking for fertility. I am hoping the 3 left continue developing and hatch on.

They should all be hatching on or around April 10th.

Also have 6 sussex, 2 broke during shipping that are due about a week later. The sussex shipment was really knocked around by the post office. They weren't packed as well so I am not holding my breath on those.

Next week will be exciting, eggs hatching and 2 rabbits due to have kits on the same day!
Howdy! I have a few minutes before off to the next chore...but just wanted to say hi! I am finally able to collect eggs to put in the incubator again-having a week off has thrown my schedule for a loop! But the new babies are doing very well-the new silkies are just awsome! I knew that once we got some they would quickly be our favorite-and they are. I might be getting 4 splash silkies by weeks end...then I think we will be good for now.

I am so anxious to see how my blue and crele polish feather out. They are so cute, I'm already thinking about what I will do with their eggs and babies, but that will be awhile-I might get some eggs out of our new flock by Oct, my other polish took forever to lay and I've heard that silkies take a long time to get to the POL too. They are just over 2 weeks and already have escaped the brooder twice! They are getting so big-so fast! After getting a new batch of ff started for the bigger flock they are laying so much better. I guess me being gone a week threw them off schedule too...but I do have to give my sister 2 thumbs up, she kept everyone alive for us while we were gone. She hates chickens but she put on her big girl undies and did the job very well.

So I am setting more eggs out of our own flock...I hope to get several dozen by fri. I will set as many as I can but I doubt I will have as many as last time-seriously thinking about making myself a hatcher...that way I can keep the eggs going every week. EEEKKKK that's a scary thought-ooooo but exciting
. I moved everyone outside yesterday-my house doesn't smell like barn anymore-it was so nice to have my room back! So off to the next thing on the list!!

Happy Hatching Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

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