April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

NO babies for me this time... Today was day 24. WE gave up.
I had said I really didn't think any of the eggs were good. I held out hope for only one.
So when we egtopsied... we found one that didn't make it..almost fully developed. The rest were never any good. Not fertile? Since they never even started.
How does that happen?
I had one very early that was developed but obviously died so I cracked it. Then today one more.
The rest were always clear but I wasn't sure with the color.
so 2 fertile eggs out of 15?!?!?
WOW right?
Several were porous.
I just don't know what to do.
these were expensive eggs. Not happy about all the non-starters.
I paid for overnight shipping.
That's what the auction said.
The eggs were shipped so late in the afternoon they took two days instead...and now this...
What would you do?
Urgh! I knowyou had several good responses to this, but I would do the same and inquire if they know the fertility of their eggs.
for some odd reason it is not letting be quote but this is my letter I sent in responce to my dissapointment to her eggs....... forgot even to comment on the no extra eggs part! but we will see how she handels it

"They did arrive and are in perfect condition..... I am however concerned about their size and the amount of poo on three of them.... They are almost half the size of my sebright bantam eggs and I have certainly never had a standard size hamburg lay such a small egg, my hamburg eggs are 3 times the size of these eggs. If these eggs are from standard size hamburgs then are they from young birds, or do your birds just lay super tiny eggs? Or could they be from bantam hamburgs? As I do not see how these could hatch and grow to a normal size... Also 3 of them have a good amount of poo on them and I am concerned about putting them in the incubator with my other eggs, for fear of contamination... So I will have to clean them which is not something I was expecting or wanting to have to do when purchasing such expensive eggs from a reputable breeder such as yourself... I came to you for these eggs because I could not find standard size citron hamburgs anywhere... but the bantam size is readily available and for much less.... Please let me know you thoughts on this, as right now I am at a loss, as I had hoped to come back to you for your Isabel Brahma eggs... but now I am worried that I would be equally disappointed in them as I am the citron hamburg eggs... to small and to dirty.... but I do know that some times crazy things can happen and that this may not be the normal quality of your eggs and I would like to give you a chance to show me that this is the case
Thank you for your time and I look forward to resolving this matter

Annabell, I also thought this was well written. I hope you get a response and can get a happy resolution.

I am very interested in all the shipping/ egg issues happening here. I also received some extremely dirty eggs from seller here who had a decent rep. I did receive extra eggs, but am concerned about their viability as some are pretty pouros looking and like I said...dirty. They also arrived about 5 days early. I had planned to set them with another order of eggs to arrive next week, but since we are in the middle of a blizzard I messaged the other seller. She is going to wait a week or maybe even till these hatch. I am going to set these here in a bit and see what happens.
Just plug/unplug as needed. Sometimes I need both in to maintain humidity, sometimes just one in does it (and sometimes I need both out to lose a little humidity). If I have both in I just unplug one to add water then put it back in.
my incubator has little water trough type things in them where the water is supposed to go. Before I knew that the humidity isn't supposed to be really high into lockdown, I put water in it and got it up to 70 humidity. But it was only like that for the first few days,so I think that the eggs were okay. If I can get my humidity where it is supposed to be do I really need to put a sponge in too?
Are any of you doing a dry hatch? I am wondering what I should keep my humidity at in the beginning.... Is 35% decent? and then up to 60-70 for hatch?
my incubator has little water trough type things in them where the water is supposed to go. Before I knew that the humidity isn't supposed to be really high into lockdown, I put water in it and got it up  to 70 humidity. But it was only like that for the first few days,so I think that the eggs were okay. If I can get my humidity where it is supposed to be do I really need to put a sponge in too?

I wouldn't if you can get the humidity without it. I can't get to my troughs very easy so I plan on sponging it for lock down.
I wouldn't if you can get the humidity without it. I can't get to my troughs very easy so I plan on sponging it for lock down.
Okay thanks for your help. I can easliy get to my troughs and since I know I can get the humidity high enough, I dont think I am going to put in a sponge.
Well I had so many chicks hatching had to buy stuff for a new brooder. Total in brooder tonight are 65! There are more hatched out but haven't transferred them over yet! I don't have all the breeds I want either. I am wanting silkie hens. I lost my silkie hen this winter. I have a black silkie roo Emmitt. I also want showgirls and turkens. I have 4 week old turkeys! Oh and geese! There r probably more but this is my have to absoutly have to have list!
lol I just talked to my neighbor and she has 12 guinea eggs for me. She already gave my 4 that are in the incubator. So what's 12 more. I never hatched turkeys , geese or ducks. There are just so many that I would like to try.
I wonder what other people do for fun.
Okay thanks for your help. I can easliy get to my troughs and since I know I can get the humidity high enough, I dont think I am going to put in a sponge.

It's nice to have one in there just in case, though. I was able to get my humidity up without one, but put in a dry one positioned underneath a vent hole. It helped me later when I wanted to bump the humidity even more without opening the incubator.

Good luck. Fingers crossed for good hatches for everyone.

I've only got 3 chicks out of 42 eggs set. Lousy odds. I'm going to pull the last 4 OE eggs today to check for pips/peeps and float test to see if I should go in. They're on day 25. Tomorrow is day 25 for the marans eggs, and there are 4 of them as well. So bummed.
It's nice to have one in there just in case, though. I was able to get my humidity up without one, but put in a dry one positioned underneath a vent hole. It helped me later when I wanted to bump the humidity even more without opening the incubator.

Good luck. Fingers crossed for good hatches for everyone.

I've only got 3 chicks out of 42 eggs set. Lousy odds. I'm going to pull the last 4 OE eggs today to check for pips/peeps and float test to see if I should go in. They're on day 25. Tomorrow is day 25 for the marans eggs, and there are 4 of them as well. So bummed.
O guess I didnt think about that. That is a good idea, Okay changed my mind again. im going to one there just in case!

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