Araucana thread anyone?

Thank you! But I think it was a combination of dumb luck and a stupid fox. She was the boldest, most brazen predator I've ever seen. She would sit INSIDE my yard and stare at me. She took one of the chickens while I was in the yard with them. I could get within 20 feet of her before she would run off. It was a little freaky, actually.
you caught a fox!! wow. That is not easy to do!!!! Very well done.
My uncle killed a fox that acted that way for several weeks near his ducks, it turned up positive for rabies. It didn't seem like rabies because the brazen-ness lasted so long.
What color am i looking at with this guy, I mistaked him as a buff when i grabbed everyone out of the incubator to move them to the brooder. deffinately an araucana thoug, rumpless to boot!

feathering in colored though

Also quite happy that i've finally hatched a solid blue that is rumpless( I couldn't expect tufts but i've got a promising black tailed with tufts to try it with for next year)
I changed my mind. I think that maybe Wheaten. I hope someone who knows get on here soon.
I would guess a Splash... Not sure though.
Sure looks like a splash to me; I have gotten a lot of splash this year and that right there is what they look like. I have three beautiful double tufted splash and a few perfect double tufted chicks out of the AOV pen but not a single tufted blue or black - those have all been clean faced this year (the large fowl). Kind of interesting.
Not sure on the gender, I'm no good at sexing 'em young.

So this year has been the year of the cockerel, for me, thus far. About how old do ya'll butcher your excess Araucana boys? These are ones that are tailed and/or cleanfaced, and unless I sell locally, will head to freezer camp. I do have an olive egger cockerel (black copper marans x Araucana) who is CHUNKY! He'll make great eating when I get around to doing the deed.

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