Are africans good broodies ?


7 Years
Sep 14, 2012
Are africans good broodies ? And will they go broody even if I collect the eggs daily to prevent freazing ? My geese still do it even there are no eggs in the nest.I need to know for the next spring.Thank you.
Are africans good broodies ? And will they go broody even if I collect the eggs daily to prevent freazing ? My geese still do it even there are no eggs in the nest.I need to know for the next spring.Thank you.
I'm not that familiar with African Geese but I'll give you a boost and maybe someone who is can give you advise,.
Just speaking from personal experience, but my best brooders have been embdens and talouse, but I have never had africans. But every bird is different. My very best brooder is actually a canada goose that is here freeloading lol; she just never leaves.

If the goose is sitting on the nest the whole time I don't think it's necessary to pick up the eggs at night since the brooder is sitting and keeping them warm. Again, personal experience, but I have had the best results with the eggs that I touch the least. Moving the eggs is not the best thing for them. All I do is mark the dates I notice them, and then a month later I candle them and get rid of any old eggs that aren't viable so I don't have rotten goose eggs laying around (ewww).

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