Are all Roosters mean??

It's so funny to read this because we have had just the opposite experience and my friend and I were JUST talking about how it seems the RIR roosters are the only gentlemen out there (in our experiences). Also, our RIR rooster almost never crowed. I know that all roosters go through a month or so of heightened aggression when they are first coming into sexual maturity, so if you really like a rooster who suddenly turns mean, it may be worth giving him a month or so to see if he cools it a bit.
salmon faverolles, polish, buff orpington, black australorp, silkie...

again, every rooster can be different. these are just a few breeds i have heard of being more docile.
I am no expert where roos are concerned, I can only speak for my experiences with roos. I have only had 2 in my life. My first roo was a Leghorn, a total pet and sweetie and crowed loudly. My 2nd roo (the one I have now) is a Barred cochin, a real sweetheart and he does not crow very often or very loud. Hope that helps.
Thanxfor all of these responses. I am thinking about getting a black copper marans roo or a speckled sussex roo. anyone with experiance with these breeds?
Speckled Sussex are so gentle but so are Marans! lol
Are leghorns aggressive? I'm planning on getting one to start my flock, but I've had some past experiences with roosters who liked my legs a little much lol

Well... Actually I don't know the breed of this rooster, it didn't say. I'm just assuming it's a leghorn because of the white. It might be a delaware, but I know those have some barring.

Anyway, here's what he looks like, maybe y'all can tell me :p
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I had a MEAN EEer... Bit my daughters lip wide open, and charged all the time and NEVER backed down.... And he was not even the dom rooster. When we got rid of him my Dom rooster started charging just me and my youngest daughter. But He goosed me and started chasing the dog around the yard. I would not say he was super mean- kept the flock in check, but enough the kids were scared to go outside around him (well my youngest) So today (like 20 minutes ago) we took him for a trip to the next farm over for a date with destiny!

My last rooster (unless one of these babies is a rooster) Is a Partridge Rocks- by far the most beautiful and the most doppy- but he is quite the aggressive mater! So, we will see what happens. I adore this rooster and have NEVER had one issue with him.... yet.....

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