are ducks wings supposed to be like this?


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009


its like the stick things that you got on feathers but without the feather bit... is that normal???
I wouldn't call it normal, but it may just be the quill or sheath that holds the feather until it emerges. This particular duck could be moulting. If it isn't moulting, there's also a chance that it could be a nutritional deficiency. Protein is very important when a duck, or any bird for that matter, is replacing feathers.
If all of your ducks are like this, I would lean towards malnutrition.
all my ducks are like this (i only have 2) and they are only 5 weeks they are getting feathers now just starting so i suppose it is like a moult
It's normal at 5wks. Their feathers are just coming in. That is the feather shaft you're looking at. The feather will start poping out of the end.

Ducks are facinating! There is just so much to learn about them. Have fun!!!!
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Yep thats what they all look like. They are just getting their big boy feathers. And they look really pinky cause they are blood filled. Dont worry thats what they are supposed to look like.
I'd call this normal at 5 weeks...I have also hand raised a baby parrot that was very similar to this when I bought him. Be careful with these sort of feathers, because they are blood-rich and until they feather out they can bleed if they get pulled.
I hate to be critical of your picture but it just looks like "blood feathers" to me, each of those "sticks" are the Shafts of new feathers they will get bigger and longer, get purple colored as they fill with blood and then start "blooming" as the soft feather thing developes. Your young ducks are going to have wings full of feathers rather than those silly little "flappers" they have for wings now!
It must be trying to be a newbe without any poultry experience. I almost said I could see nothing wrong (there isn't) until I realized who made the post and realized you have never seen this before.
Some additional warnings those shafts will grow fairly fast and fill with blood, at least the bigger ones. Lots of ducks act like they itch and tend to rub them on things. You do not want for them to snap them off or pull them out either their own or their mates. A broken shaft will leak blood like an opened vein and blood will come out! Have flour or sugar handy to put on them to help the blood to clot and stop the bleeding. If you can't stop the bleeding that way pull the shaft out of the wing. It will hurt the duck when you do it but the wing socket can heal itself while a blood feather can't heal the shaft, any shafts broken will eventually fall out on its own and be replaced by a new feather.
Now is the time to start watching their wings for signs of "Angel wing" read up on it just in case. Probably 98% of ducks never have a problem. so you should be OK. If something looks wrong post a picture, most experencied people like to give advise! good luck!
I almost said I could see nothing wrong (there isn't) until I realized who made the post and realized you have never seen this before.

Some of us had evil parents who forced us to grow up in the suburbs instead of on a farm. Oh the HORROR!

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