Are my quail ready to be outside yet?


In the Brooder
Mar 1, 2020
My quail are 3 weeks old. I plan on keeping them outside in a rabbit hutch that’s completely sealed off with bubble wrap. It also has a large tarp over it for additional protection.
I can’t put a heating lamp inside but I can use Christmas lights. There is also plenty of straw and old cloth for warmth.

Here’s the weather forecast...

Do you think they’ll be OK in this weather and during nighttime? Or should I wait until they’re older? Thanks!
That looks like the kinds of temps that I would be comfortable putting them outside in. I would put them out in the morning and keep an eye on them during the day. If they're huddled and shivering during the day, it's probably too cold.
That looks like the kinds of temps that I would be comfortable putting them outside in. I would put them out in the morning and keep an eye on them during the day. If they're huddled and shivering during the day, it's probably too cold.

Should I put them back inside at night, then outside during day? I just don’t wanna stress them out with all the different environments and handling.
Should I put them back inside at night, then outside during day? I just don’t wanna stress them out with all the different environments and handling.
If they seem fine in the daytime temps, I would leave them outside for the night, check on them again in the morning. I would bring them back inside only if they don't seem comfortable.

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