Are Packing Peanuts from Ideal always Males?


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
I received 10 naked necks as packing peanuts with my order last week from Ideal. I was wondering if anyone has ever received extras that were not males. Some of mine had dots on their heads, I think, but others didn't have dots. Maybe they aren't really dots, just dark spots on the head?

All of them are doing great. I will not be keeping all of the roosters. Do you think it would be better to find them new homes now, or should I wait until they are a little older?
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Generally speaking the extras are males. The males are hard to get rid of and this is one way they do so in a more humainly fashion.
Yes, when I requested it. And they sexed at 100%.

Did your males have dots on their heads? I seem to have some with marks and others without. Does Ideal put marks on them?
Yes, the specific males I ordered did have colored dots on their heads. I would suspect if you did not request pullets only and have chicks with dots, you got males.
i think your asking when they put extra in for warmth ? thier we says males . i think this is thier way to get rid of extras and ones they dont know really what breed they are .
yea, I got 5 from Ideal.... They are more skidish and have less feathers and more fluff at first ... and the naked necks.. only one of mine has color on its head ... and it looks like it has eyeshadow on to....weird huh? well heres a pic. of him or


you'll notice that the other one that is lighter on the head with no color has a patch of fur on it's neck .... Male Female distinction? dunno.
I called Ideal today and asked them my questions regarding the dots. They said that they usually only mark upon request and they use colors other than black. I was relieved to know that the spots on my Delaware chicks (who are supposed to be pullets) are natural.

Your chicks are very cute!

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