Are these all hens? *added more pics of giant cochin*


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Found an ad on Craigslist for some Black Australorp hens. She said they were hatched in February and should lay any day now, it took us 45 minutes to catch these girls and Im hopeing they are all girls. The one she said is a Giant Cochin.

One of the Black Austalorps

The other Austalorp

The Giant Cochin


The 3 of them togeather

And just for extra measure
10 hens (I hope) and a roo

So do you think she was right, all hens?
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Would he already be crowing? I haven't heard anything manly come out of him? There is no bumps where the spurs would be. When does the spurs come in?
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You black Cochin is the same age as mine and looks like her twin so I am going to say pullet. All my roos are in the freezer since June. Their combs were red by April and their waddles were huge too. My girl has just started laying this last week so you should be seeing eggs soon. Enjoy!
Thank you! I was hoping you would see that I added more pictures. I hope to see some eggs soon. We just have to get rid of the 1 Austrulop or have him for dinner some night.
Your welcome. This is my first year with Cochins and I believe I am sold. They are the most quiet and calm of all the varied breeds I have. I think they are beautiful too. They are slow to mature but I think well worth it as a dual purpose breed. My "baby" boys some of the bigger ones were over 5 pounds at 16 weeks. Their feathers make them a bite to pluck though. I bought them from a hatchery. Lost one in transit but the rest grew fine. My additional special roo was a Cochin too. So of 15 chicks I was able to keep 4 pullets.

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