ARE These Ameraucana

Thanks guys. One day I'm hoping to share my line with a friend in NY. She will then be able to provide direct links from my lines :)

I love them. Jagger in the picture is the most tame rooster I have ever owned. He comes when he's called and picks treats out of my hand for his girls. He has saved so many of his kiddos from hawks. Not all, because some were too stupid to take cover.. but he is the best.

Justine, how could I get so lucky...I wouldn't have that far to drive... Get those lines to NY, and quick!

Hope all's well,
Justine, how could I get so lucky...I wouldn't have that far to drive... Get those lines to NY, and quick!

Hope all's well,

I have a sister in New York, so I drive there at least once a year...

Hmm, seems like aoxa has a built in customer list already!
It's probably some NYer on the border of Canada, in which case is still quite the drive for me, BUT, I'm still there! It's so funny when most people think of NY, they think of the Big Apple, and it's surrounding bursting suburbia's. 75% of the state is rural and vast with many small and large farms. We left the busy crowded downstate and moved 90 miles north of NYC, and hopefully will never go back. Found my 6 little acres of Heaven, and am so happy! Not dissing NYC, I love it.. just at that point in my life I love the quiet more, and adore nature out my window every day.

Justine, how could I get so lucky...I wouldn't have that far to drive... Get those lines to NY, and quick!

Hope all's well,
All is very well thank you :)

I have a sister in New York, so I drive there at least once a year...

Hmm, seems like aoxa has a built in customer list already!

It's probably some NYer on the border of Canada, in which case is still quite the drive for me, BUT, I'm still there! It's so funny when most people think of NY, they think of the Big Apple, and it's surrounding bursting suburbia's. 75% of the state is rural and vast with many small and large farms. We left the busy crowded downstate and moved 90 miles north of NYC, and hopefully will never go back. Found my 6 little acres of Heaven, and am so happy! Not dissing NYC, I love it.. just at that point in my life I love the quiet more, and adore nature out my window every day.

I have told her there is definite interest. :) I sure hope she visits soon.

I was checking on my babies and this one decided to use my arm as a perch. They are finally befriending me. This one is a girl right?
I thought so thank you aoxa

aoxa, How early can you tell if Ameraucana's are boys or girls? Do you make that soley from their combs? I have two little chicks, 9 days old. I will post some pics when you think you can tell. I would love to know as early as I could.

aoxa, How early can you tell if Ameraucana's are boys or girls? Do you make that soley from their combs? I have two little chicks, 9 days old. I will post some pics when you think you can tell. I would love to know as early as I could.

On pure coloured ones.. at least by the time they are fully feathered like the OPs bird. My White Ameraucanas I can tell by 6-8 weeks. Some I hold back just to be sure. The girls have nothing in terms of combs. The males you can see all three rows and are typically pink at 6 weeks.

Here are two males.
An EE beside a White Ameraucana. They are 4 weeks here. He is my breeding male now.

Here he is again at 6 weeks. You can see it's much pinker than the OP's bird in question.

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