
6 Years
May 17, 2017
Heyo! I'm new to Backyard Chickens, and love it already... :frow
I have a few questions about some treats! I have a big mulberry tree, full of ripe black fruit, and a couple of fruitless mulberry trees. We eat them, and of course share with the chickens, but I want to know if I could feed some raw mulberry leaves (moderately, of course) to the chickens? They're completely organic. I've seen some varying opinions from of course to heck no.

Are ripe grapes okay, too? What about grape vines/leaves?

I want to feed them these things because we have sparse grass in this area, and I want to get some healthy variation in their diet. Any suggestions for common plants to feed? Appreciate all answers, and look forward to getting to know y'all!
Heyo! I'm new to Backyard Chickens, and love it already... :frow
I have a few questions about some treats! I have a big mulberry tree, full of ripe black fruit, and a couple of fruitless mulberry trees. We eat them, and of course share with the chickens, but I want to know if I could feed some raw mulberry leaves (moderately, of course) to the chickens? They're completely organic. I've seen some varying opinions from of course to heck no.

Are ripe grapes okay, too? What about grape vines/leaves?

I want to feed them these things because we have sparse grass in this area, and I want to get some healthy variation in their diet. Any suggestions for common plants to feed? Appreciate all answers, and look forward to getting to know y'all!
Fruit is fine. Chickens love to scratch up leaves but they do not eat much of them. Give them a pile of leaves to play with but do not mix leaves into their feed

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