Are they ok to eat?


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Roanoke Alabama
I was suspose to ship out a dozen eggs today. But the person didn't pay. So I put them in the fridge. The oldest egg isn't older than 5 or 6 days. They have been sitting on a table in an egg flat point down in my house. The temp in the house hasn't gotten above 75 prolly. I think they are ok but just wanted to double check before I sold eggs to someone.
I would keep them eating ... I might not chance selling them to someone else. I hate waste. On questionable eggs, I just break them into a little dish first to be sure they are still good.
Today I just purchased some eggs from a backyard chicken lady and she assured me these eggs were laid this week, but as I was filling my cartons with them, I noticed they hadn't been refrigerated and were room temperature. Someone suggested the 'float test'. What is this test and which is it, floating or sinking that determines if they are good. They are gorgeous eggs and I hate to throw them out.
Yes this is an article that explains it and what to do. It says to use salt, I'm not sure if you have to or not. Maybe someone else will chime in on that part

Gently drop the egg into the bowl of water. If it:

sinks to the bottom and stays there, it is about three to six days old.
Sinks, but floats at an angle, it's more than a week old.
Sinks, but then stands on end, it's about two weeks old.
Floats, it's too old and should be discarded.
For a test just to see if the eggs are all right to use, dissolve 2 tablespoons salt in 2 cups cold water, then put the egg in the water. If it sinks, it's good; if it floats, it's too old.

Eggs act this way in water because of the air sac present in all eggs. As the egg ages, the air sac gets larger because the egg shell is a semi-permeable membrane. The air sac, when large enough, makes the egg float. Eggs are generally good for about three weeks after you buy them.
Humidity will play a role in how fast the egg loses water. That said, it seems that eggs are only refrigerated in the US/Canada. They store at room temp for a few weeks just fine.
Thanks so much for your help. I used the float test and found half of the two dozen were probably 2 weeks old and not the "laid this week" she told me and one floated like a ballon. After I did the test, I realized that I may have removed the 'bloom' from the shell, but hope that just refrigerating these will keep them safe. They taste amazing! Can't wait to get my own eggs.

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