Are you a 'Farmer' or a 'Rancher'?

LOL @ Buff Hooligans!

That's the sense I get from my chickens - I am tolerated because I take care of food, treats, and cleaning.

Kind of why my wife keeps me around. Yard maintenance, and, uh, well. You know.
I thought you had to ride a horse, round the chickens up, and drive them off to market to be a "rancher".

Then again, there is the old joke about the city guy who inherited his grandpa's chicken farm. He decided he'd make a go of it, so he moved out to the farm, and ordered 500 chicks from the local feed store. The chicks came in, and he picked them up. A few weeks later, he was back at the feed store to order another 500 chicks. The store owner made a big deal of this, saying, "Wow! You sure must be doing well with the first 500." The guy answers, "No, not really... I don't know if I'm planting them too deep or over watering them."
We occasionally have "rooster rodeos" when one of them gets crazy and has to be caught so I guess we might be called "rooster ranchers"???
Actually, I'm just known as Ellymae Clampett by my family and friends, lol. They just don't understand...
Seeing as chickens haven't been on our place for about 60 years, I would say rancher first. LOL Although my chickens are more pets and pests than anything. The calves have a blast chasing them, and the horses are just disgusted when they come to try and share their dinners with them. I swear they are as bad as the barn cats that follow me around begging for treats. At least life isn't boring here.
Around here I am just called mother hen!!

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