Are you a 'Farmer' or a 'Rancher'?

I believe that all of my animals view me as the "attendant."


Mine too! They only seem to care that they have food and water. Except for the "too big for his pants" roo that I have. He seems to think I am the one invading his space. As I have heard on this forum many times - he is always giving me the stink eye. Of course he waits until he has been properly fed and watered.
We occasionally have "rooster rodeos" when one of them gets crazy and has to be caught so I guess we might be called "rooster ranchers"???
Actually, I'm just known as Ellymae Clampett by my family and friends, lol. They just don't understand...


I used to board my horses at what I dubbed a cowboy barn--they roped and cut cattle. There was also a very large flock of wild turkeys from the nearby state forest that would fly in for feeding time and get whatever grain the horses dropped. We would have "turkey rodeos", rounding them up or cutting out one or another on horseback.

These people also raised organic beef and chickens (RIR) and if any of the chickens got out of their coops, it was not unusual for one or several of us to round them up and herd them in on horseback.

Where I currently board, one of the neighbors has Old English Games and my horses will prick their ears and attentively watch his fowl as they strut around, almost asking "Is it okay? Do they need to be herded?"​
I thought the farmer vs. rancher thing was a matter of acreage(sp?) Anything under 1000 was considered a farm...ergo you were a farmer and anything 1000+ was a ranch...ergo you were then a rancher.

As far as my chooks are concerned...I'm just the one with the opposable thumbs that can open the feed container. However my daughter and her friends have dubbed me "the crazy chicken lady".
Hmmm, that could be. I thought a farmer raised mainly crops (with some animals for his own consumption) and a rancher raised mainly livestock. Guess we could actually look it up.
LOL My Great-Grandpa told me a story one time about when he was young and when he ate at an old Indian's house and the Indian said, "Dig deep, puppy at the bottom!"
with 900 acres and no livestock for several years, my dad the farmer would disagree

just starting out here I like the term homesteader
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