Arizona Chickens

Mine was a $1200 packaged deal that came with the sportman a brooder, 24 cages, watering, feed trays 250 pounds of feed, 100 laying quail and 350 baby quail a still air (hatcher) and Hovabator with fan and turner. It does really satisfy my hatching itch.

Now, if I could only figure out how to get them to clean up after themselves, I would be set!
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Confession! Actually, I am counting down to the HS conference in Phoenix in July. I really hope to meet up with you. I always spend a fortune when I go to that, but I plan to stash a little poultry money. I'm hoping you can show me how to get set up with quail and sell me a few. I am looking for specific breeds to add to my flock (WCBP, BLRW, FBCM, and Ameraucanas) and Japanese bantams and a couple of silkies if my daughter wears me down. I know you have some of those. Anybody else having any of those birds or chicks available in July? Maybe I better build more than 2 more coops.

5pinkarrows - I have 5 BLRW chicks coming in a few weeks (along with some Welsummers and olive eggers) . You are welcome to any that are roos or that I don't keep.

I am slightly regretting my impulse purchase of chicks. Now I really want to hatch my own.

Sigh...maybe by New Year ...

I appreciate that, but one roo is more than enough for me. I think I will stick with my Polish. He attacked me for the first time last week. But, he can only see the ground. Instead of flying up and nailing me like our old roo, he just fluffed up and pecked my toe. I can deal with that. We have no incubator so eggs are not an option for me. I hope to get one eventually, but doubt it will be in the next year.
TT! :

Turkeybreeder makes me want to write poems! The best I can do is a haiku:

Turkey posts poems
All his paragrpahs enjambed
A turkey poet

I think you and Sparkles are my smart@$$ triplet-siblings, seperated at birth.

I too, write haikus to express myself. Although with me, it is usually repressed feelings of wonderment and awe at other people's stupidity. A less favorable description could be:

Laree blinks, wide-eyed.
Who let that man have children?
Closet elitist.

...but at least I know my failings. What better way to address them (and celebrate them) but in poem-form?
I think you and Sparkles are my smart@$$ triplet-siblings, seperated at birth.

I too, write haikus to express myself. Although with me, it is usually repressed feelings of wonderment and awe at other people's stupidity. A less favorable description could be:

Laree blinks, wide-eyed.
Who let that man have children?
Closet elitist.

...but at least I know my failings. What better way to address them (and celebrate them) but in poem-form?

Y'all are hilarious!
We have two. Both Red meat. I have had the white meat from Lee Lee's before but not red. We have a sprout we are going to transplant and see if we can get a new one growing. We picked them up on clearance at either home depot or lowes for $5 each and they were almost dead but looking good now. They just Got white meat plants in. I may keep watch to see if i can get them on clearance too. Regular price is $20.
Mine was a $1200 packaged deal that came with the sportman a brooder, 24 cages, watering, feed trays 250 pounds of feed, 100 laying quail and 350 baby quail a still air (hatcher) and a Hovabator with fan and turner and a buyer that buys about half of what the sell stated they buy. It does really satisfy my hatching itch tho.

Now, if I could only figure out how to get them to clean up after themselves, I would be set!

Wow!!! I think I would be happy with a $300 or so model ... then when we need more space just get a second, and a third, maybe a fourth!
I wish I could have even one roo. If I end up with more than 2 pullets, you are still welcome to any extras if you have not found any by then.

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