Arizona Chickens

I still have no idea how to find my BYC page.
Hmmm....You should be able to go to "My Profile" at the top of the page. Then there is a section with "Your Recent Activity," where you should find a hyperlink to your page, preceded by a puzzle-piece icon.
On another thread about the NEw said that they were closing down the auctions just until they work out all the kinks and then they will bring them back. I just want a link where before you would go to recent post and then at the bottom there would be a button saying show your would post on threads just on info I thought i would need sour crop or medical item necessities.
I just saw that you now have two coops! Did that happen with the latest new chick additions?

Actually, the new coop happened over a year ago when we added the second group of chickens. By the time the 3rd group came along the 2nd group was in the big coop. I'm getting ready to integrate groups 2 and 3 as soon as I run out of grower and make the switch to layer. The 3rd group is 17 weeks already!

I noticed that I get logged off when I'm gone awhile even if I check "remember me". That's a pain.

I took Amelia to the vet and he thinks it is botulism. He called a couple Dr's he knows but they had left for the day. He called a Dr. friend from a University and his ex-wife who works at the zoo. I will hear what they think tomorrow.

She has a great appetite and drinking well. No signs of perotinitis (sp) or being egg bound. He said she is very alert and shows no signs of Merecks. He told me to take her home and let her eat and drink. She ate 2 scrambled eggs, some mealworms and a little applesauce. She is ravenous and drank water as well.
I took Amelia to the vet and he thinks it is botulism. He called a couple Dr's he knows but they had left for the day. He called a Dr. friend from a University and his ex-wife who works at the zoo. I will hear what they think tomorrow. 

She has a great appetite and drinking well. No signs of perotinitis  (sp) or  being egg bound. He said she is very alert and shows no signs of Merecks. He told me to take her home and let her eat and drink. She ate 2 scrambled eggs, some mealworms and a little applesauce. She is ravenous and drank water as well.

I am happy to hear she is eating and drinking well. I hope she has a quick recovery whatever it was. After reading your post I did a lot of searching through this site trying to find out what it could be but I couldn't find anything so sorry .
mahroni-I was so sorry to hear that your roo died I was really hopeful that it would work so my 4th grade would be back in business. If you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all. I think one of my BWA is a hen! And I still have the last chick that I hatched from your eggs that I am hoping is a roo. I will let you know! Then I can just start breeding them slowly. I did get my first FBCM egg. It was so awesome. I also food a really, really dark egg in my serama pen! I am going to try to incubate it and see what I can get. After one of the neighbors dogs got the gorgeous bwa roo and I was in tears about it, my husband finally made a chicken run. its is 35 X 75 feet. It was full of tumble weeds and it took him all day to burn them. He has been putting it off because it has been so dry and he didnt want to start the neighborhood on fire!! They chickens are not loving in. They liked running around the 5 acres and did up the garden and strawberries but they will be safe know. I am thinking about putting up some razor sharp barbwire to keep the feral cats out, but then it will start looking like a prision!

I am headed to my 1st 4h meeting on Thursday as the poultry leader! I am going to take a few seramas and maybe a lav orp, a silkie, and a cochin. I am really excited to get the kids around here excited about poultry. We are going to start hatching out some purebreed this year out of my 4th grade class so that they 4H can by them and the 4th grade can raise money for their field trip. Last year we hatched just a bunch of mixed eggs that no one really wanted to i ended up buying a crap ton of mutt chickens. So this year we are going to hatch stuff that people will want to buy. We have a connection on RIR, serama, and Buff orp from me and some one here has some baird rocks. If anyone else sells purebreed eggs let me know. I would love to get some.

Memphis, that 4H sounds like a ton of fun! I always enjoy working with kids on projects.

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