Arizona Chickens


Is that a Pre-fab coup in the back of your first pic? It looks nice, but if it is, how do you like it? I'm still on the fence about buying or building. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
Hi Gallo and Pastry.. The boys are doing well. Wish they would spend more time here but since we don't have high speed internet or all heir friends in close proximity they prefer their mom's house.
Gallo, as LKD said, no, I didn't know her, I was just looking at turkeys in the freezer and she said she wanted to get a heritage turkey instead of a store bought. That prompted me to tell her that I had about 11 at home, along with chickens, geese guineas etc.

re: old computers and such. I had a TI994/A that I used to play with and write code for.  And, as much as I hate to say it I still have floppy disks, both 5 1/4 and 3 1/2.  Figure there must be a museum somewhere that could use 'em. :lol:   My older brother was the Commodore 64 and 128 geek.

Angelray, I have carried roosters upside down by their feet when rounding them up to put them in their own coop, but not for very long, but just so I could carry more at a time.  We had a Polish that would attack the boys and I.  After showing him he was not the boss, we would carry him around on his back like you would a baby, preventing him from moving.  He settled down after that

City Farm, my daughter and my husband live down that way.  They are just south of the 202 and Country Club.  It's an all day event for us to go see them or vice versa.  I just took pictures this a.m. to post after I get caught up here in a little bit.  Oh, just to nit pic, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil"  :old

Kev, you appear the expert on solar water heaters, what brand of passive set up do you have?  Is Solahart still in business? I haven't seen them in ages.

Bobby Basham, any relation to or know of a Tom Basham that lived in Phx?

LKD, cute pics, captions.

Hi, I dont know if I would be considered an expert, although I've only really ever seen three types. Big tank on the roof weighing hundreds of pounds, glass panels, and Fafco's worthless plastic black mat. My opinion is the glass panels are the best and actually work but companies want over a thousand dollars to install them. That takes a long time to recoup any savings. Plus the tanks only last 6 to 10 years with the warranty expiring after 6. I don't have a solar water heater, was tempted when the gov. was giving rebates and I could get it for cost but if I did anything now it would be a long black garden hose on the roof with a bypass valve system for those cold nights. Even a stripped down big box store water heater has a yearly average cost of $525; lets say that is conservative and double it to $1050 a year. That is less then $90 a month to heat water and we know the water in the valley is not that cold to start with.

Have you thought of AT SOURCE WATER HEATERS? In the mid 80's I worked on a custom home with At Source Water heaters. I suggested, and was passed onto the customer, that they should consider water treatment system because of the nasty water Florida has. They did look into it and we did the modification to add an osmosis water treatment and softener to the house. They were thinking of it before it was suggested just for drinking and washing. They went with a more complex osmosis water treatment system that self back flushed. I am sure that there have been great improvements in the past 30 years.

On company I just found on line:

PS: You are aware woman needs roots!

Is that a Pre-fab coup in the back of your first pic?  It looks nice, but if it is, how do you like it?  I'm still on the fence about buying or building. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
Yes it is a prefab coop. It has 2 doors. :lol:

It has not held up for the dollar spent. The bottom is falling out, now hard to clean because I no longer can slide out the bottom. I fiberglass end the wood, hoping it would work better then varnish. It has and has not at the same time. It is not that strong or well made, but it dose work. My know coop would be great but I changed the design as I was building it. The nesting boxes were to be exterior, I changed it ti interior and lost space for 4 chickens. I wish I had picked up a used 8'x6' shed and converted it. Easy access, I install a chicken door (giving 2 doors to be a proper coup), maybe a skylight or window. I think it would have been creeper. As it is the prefab cast as much as some new sheds + the money spent on the new one, I could have customized the inside for my girls. Hind sight is wonderful. :lau
Yes it is a prefab coop. It has 2 doors.

It has not held up for the dollar spent. The bottom is falling out, now hard to clean because I no longer can slide out the bottom. I fiberglass end the wood, hoping it would work better then varnish. It has and has not at the same time. It is not that strong or well made, but it dose work. My know coop would be great but I changed the design as I was building it. The nesting boxes were to be exterior, I changed it ti interior and lost space for 4 chickens. I wish I had picked up a used 8'x6' shed and converted it. Easy access, I install a chicken door (giving 2 doors to be a proper coup), maybe a skylight or window. I think it would have been creeper. As it is the prefab cast as much as some new sheds + the money spent on the new one, I could have customized the inside for my girls. Hind sight is wonderful.
I have tried a few different styles coop. I enjoyed designing my own and learned to adapt. But the most easy and practical one was the 8 x 10 second hand shed with added ventilation and screened windows. Plus the shed was a gift.
Update on my new rooster: Buddy is doing awesome with everybody so we are not splitting up the flock. One big happy family! Counting the chicks in my brooder...I'm up to 14 (2 being Roo's) and we haven't even started meaties!!

I want to get a turkey in the spring for next Thanksgiving but have heard its not good to raise them with chickens. Since my space is limited I may have to give up on that dream. If so then I'm buying from a local breeding instead & processing him at home! Really want to taste the difference of a fresh bird.

I also plan on raising some meat rabbits starting spring. Gonna be a busy girl with this little homestead I've started.

I love the country, and so glad we moved out of Phoenix! Don't miss a thing.
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Update on my new rooster: Buddy is doing awesome with everybody so we are not splitting up the flock. One big happy family! Counting the chicks in my brooder...I'm up to 14 (2 being Roo's) and we haven't even started meaties!!

I want to get a turkey in the spring for next Thanksgiving but have heard its not good to raise them with chickens. Since my space is limited I may have to give up on that dream. If so then I'm buying from a local breeding instead & processing him at home! Really want to taste the difference of a fresh bird.

I also plan on raising some meat rabbits starting spring. Gonna be a busy girl with this little homestead I've started.

I love the country, and so glad we moved out of Phoenix! Don't miss a thing.
I still have heritage turkeys for Christmas. Of course, I am in Tucson, so probably too far for you unless you are coming down this way for something anyway. They will be processed and are all organically fed from hatch.
I already have deposits on all the Thanksgiving turkeys I'm processing--18 of them.
I still have heritage turkeys for Christmas. Of course, I am in Tucson, so probably too far for you unless you are coming down this way for something anyway. They will be processed and are all organically fed from hatch.
I already have deposits on all the Thanksgiving turkeys I'm processing--18 of them.

I have been watching your posts & do wish I was able to partake, but rest assured if I buy one next year, it will be from you (as long as you are offering them again)!
I have been watching your posts & do wish I was able to partake, but rest assured if I buy one next year, it will be from you (as long as you are offering them again)!
I will probably grow a few out next year, but I don't want to do as many as this year. I want to raise a few more hens of some of the breeds I have, and of course there will be extra toms along the way. Not being able to grow them in big fields of forage, like other parts of the country has, makes growing turkeys here very expensive.
i personally do NOT have a turkey (but i really really want one) but i believe they can be raised together. maybe not in the same coop, but they can share a run and free range space. turkeys help as a natural protection against the mareks virus BUT the turkeys are more prone to blackhead disease if housed with chickens. It is a pretty divided camp out there;. lots of people say dont do it, lots say it doesnt matter. if i had the space i would try it and find out which camp i would be in
I found this thread today. Although it is several years old, the pics look just like my Lemon and her reddish/pink features that appeared on her face.

My initial concern was not gender in the least. I was more worried about an allergy or worse yet an infection that could spread to the rest of my girls. It appears it is just normal development for RIR's at this particular age. One of my other girls started to get a little pinkness around her eyes last night too. No more panic, they are just growing up! I am also pretty sure they are all pullets due to the lack of growth or coloring in their combs. All still small and pale yellow.

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