Arizona Chickens

x2 The later the better. I would go out to my broody orp hen's nest at around 9, slip an egg out and candle, slip it back in and she was none the wiser. I have to tell you I have not found a successful way to candle those Marans eggs though. I've tried strong LED flashlights and still couldn't tell so just left those alone and found out on day 21 if they were fertile, not the best way but I've never had one blow up in the incubator and almost all have hatched.
I heard a strange crowing coming from the west pasture a little bit ago, didn't sound like any of the Orps or the Marans. Went out there and found a little black bantam rooster. My lavender Orp rooster eyed him the same time I did but he's faster than I am, I grabbed a rake, broke up the fight before the little guy could get killed, scooped him up and hightailed it to the gate. Went out the front, saw one of my neighbors down the road and asked her if she knew who the rooster belonged to and she told me she saw a car drive up to my place and stop and look over my fence. She thought they were looking at my chickens and didn't think anything of it. My place is cross fenced for the different breeds but you can see most of them from the street but the neighbor thought the woman threw something over the fence, after they drove off she checked out my pasture and didn't see any garbage or anything out of sorts, just the chickens and grass. She didn't notice the little guy, he must have run under a tree or bush after being tossed. So now I know where all these wayward roosters are coming from - the housing developments over on the Gilbert side where they are allowed 2 hens and no roosters, that's my guess anyway. One of my other neighbors took the little guy as a pet for his granddaughter, the little guy seems very tame so must have been handled a lot. I didn't want him anywhere near my Orp hens nor did my rooster!
Any of the Tucson peeps been to Ecogro? They advertise Weird and Exotic Plants on CL and the prices look good. Just wondering.

Yes. I get most of my aquaponics stuff at EcoGrow. They also have a lot of Morning a trees, weird Mars-type succulents, and a pretty good selection of chilis and tomatoes.
Yep, go out at night with a good flashlight. Sneak an egg out (or one at a time), candle and replace. It's amazing to see things developing in those shells! Darker eggs are harder to see through until pretty late and obviously lighter eggs are easier to see.
There are like 4 of those dark ones under her and maybe 1 EE. She broke the other. I'm just gonna leave her alone. What day did we meet Leasha? (Spell?)
x2 The later the better. I would go out to my broody orp hen's nest at around 9, slip an egg out and candle, slip it back in and she was none the wiser. I have to tell you I have not found a successful way to candle those Marans eggs though. I've tried strong LED flashlights and still couldn't tell so just left those alone and found out on day 21 if they were fertile, not the best way but I've never had one blow up in the incubator and almost all have hatched.
Yes. I get most of my aquaponics stuff at EcoGrow. They also have a lot of Morning a trees, weird Mars-type succulents, and a pretty good selection of chilis and tomatoes.
I received some Moringa Seeds in the BYC exchange. Not sure of where to plant yet. Thanks for the report. I want to go next time in driving through.
There are like 4 of those dark ones under her and maybe 1 EE. She broke the other. I'm just gonna leave her alone. What day did we meet Leasha? (Spell?)

Your funny Dave! I can't remember what I had for dinner last night so I'm not gonna remember when I gave you the eggs! If your hen is anything like my broody hens she'll figure out when to give up on any bad eggs. I've had them roll bad ones out of the nest, at first I was putting them back in only to find them pushed back out. Finally candled & realized she knew what she was doing.
I heard a strange crowing coming from the west pasture a little bit ago, didn't sound like any of the Orps or the Marans. Went out there and found a little black bantam rooster. My lavender Orp rooster eyed him the same time I did but he's faster than I am, I grabbed a rake, broke up the fight before the little guy could get killed, scooped him up and hightailed it to the gate. Went out the front, saw one of my neighbors down the road and asked her if she knew who the rooster belonged to and she told me she saw a car drive up to my place and stop and look over my fence. She thought they were looking at my chickens and didn't think anything of it. My place is cross fenced for the different breeds but you can see most of them from the street but the neighbor thought the woman threw something over the fence, after they drove off she checked out my pasture and didn't see any garbage or anything out of sorts, just the chickens and grass. She didn't notice the little guy, he must have run under a tree or bush after being tossed. So now I know where all these wayward roosters are coming from - the housing developments over on the Gilbert side where they are allowed 2 hens and no roosters, that's my guess anyway. One of my other neighbors took the little guy as a pet for his granddaughter, the little guy seems very tame so must have been handled a lot. I didn't want him anywhere near my Orp hens nor did my rooster!

I can't believe that some people think it's OK to just toss an animal onto someone else's property! You never know the impact it might have. What if that rooster killed your rooster or brought sickness into your flock?

I was talking to someone once who found two dogs and was going to put them in a neighbor's yard because she thought they might belong to her but she wasn't sure. I couldn't believe it! What if the neighbor had chickens? or a bigger or smaller non-friendly dog? or desert tortoises? Even if the dog was hers, maybe the dog didn't have access to the yard for one of the previous reasons. This is one reason I have a lock on my gate. I have, desert tortoises, chickens and a not very friendly dog.
I can't believe that some people think it's OK to just toss an animal onto someone else's property!  You never know the impact it might have.  What if that rooster killed your rooster or brought sickness into your flock?

I was talking to someone once who found two dogs and was going to put them in a neighbor's yard because she thought they might belong to her but she wasn't sure.  I couldn't believe it! What if the neighbor had chickens? or a bigger or smaller non-friendly dog? or desert tortoises?  Even if the dog was hers, maybe the dog didn't have access to the yard for one of the previous reasons. This is one reason I have a lock on my gate.  I have, desert tortoises, chickens and a not very friendly dog.

I always put new birds in 90 day quarantine. The little bantam was thrown into my English Orp area with most of those birds coming directly from Fancy Chick & GFF. So, yes I panicked!
I am sooooooo excited and I had to share my new incubator. Well its new to me but I just got it set up and running and hopefully will be hatching eggs in a few days.

the white under it is because we brought an old table from the shed in to hold it since it is sooo heavy. It will incubate around 250 eggs.

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