Arizona Chickens

Are Black Soldier Flies common in Arizona? I want to raise some for my chickens does anyone here do that? If so what do you use to attract them and not house flys? I dont want to buy a starter set if I dont need to.
I am so eggcited! I am on day 20 on my 13 shipped chicken eggs that made it to lock down. AND I HAVE 3 PIPS ALL READY! I have not hatched an egg since I was 18 years old. That was a long time ago. I think I was listening to the BeeGees new release at the time. lol
The little chick in the photo did not make it.. :hit
The other one is barly hanging in there.. I still have not had time to find out how this happens..
So, I drove to my friends house during lunch break to get some chicks for both broody's. Hope the jungle fowl will accept them. I put two rooster babies under her.. & 5 others under Cheryl.. But, WAIT.. Un-flipping believable!!! The other jungle fowl has gone broody.. Are you kidding me.. Those stinking brats.. I so DO NOT want more chick's :rant I don't even know what chicks I have. She is going to text me the breeds tomorrow. I had only about 10-15 minutes to grab them.. I know ya all like the chicken math, but I have been way to busy for them.. At least lately.. With the flood and what not..
The little chick in the photo did not make it..

The other one is barly hanging in there.. I still have not had time to find out how this happens..
So, I drove to my friends house during lunch break to get some chicks for both broody's. Hope the jungle fowl will accept them. I put two rooster babies under her.. & 5 others under Cheryl.. But, WAIT.. Un-flipping believable!!! The other jungle fowl has gone broody.. Are you kidding me.. Those stinking brats.. I so DO NOT want more chick's
I don't even know what chicks I have. She is going to text me the breeds tomorrow. I had only about 10-15 minutes to grab them.. I know ya all like the chicken math, but I have been way to busy for them.. At least lately.. With the flood and what not..
sry you lost one.

funny you dont even know what you have. GOOD LUCK!!!
The two chicks made it. I can't believe it.. Anyway, does anyone have day old chicks?

I noticed that Mesa Feed Barn just got some in today. I think they order from Ideal.  It also looked like they cleaned their brooder and animal room recently.  It was looking pretty bad last Spring.

Yeah, thank you for checking in..:highfive:
Well momma got up off the nest today so the rest of the eggs went - they were not good at all. And one little one did not make it out of the shell all the way. So we have two. So far we also have a good momma. It was all teaching today - little talking from momma and they both came running - DANG cute! One of those little chicks is a spitfire already - new momma will have her wings full. All seems to be well. Sorry pic is a bit blurry but she was telling me to buzz off as she was working here!
That is so cute.. They communicate & then come running.. Each hen has their tone, so fun.. Enjoy..
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Are Black Soldier Flies common in Arizona? I want to raise some for my chickens does anyone here do that? If so what do you use to attract them and not house flys? I dont want to buy a starter set if I dont need to.
Are Black Soldier Flies common in Arizona? I want to raise some for my chickens does anyone here do that? If so what do you use to attract them and not house flys? I dont want to buy a starter set if I dont need to.

We had them take over our compost.. Do you have a compost?

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