Arizona Chickens

We have a feral cat that I want spayed.  We enjoy having her here and she's good with the chickens and keeps the pests down - except those crazy ground squirrels!  Not sure anybody can control those little critters.  I am not able to pay for a spay at this time because of high hospital bills.  Where can I get help for this?  Ideas.  Also I live in the Casa Grande area so not everything is available to me that is in the valley cities.  AND last one question.  If I do the trapping will she leave because she is angry at me??  I don't want that to happen.  BUT I would really like her spayed before another heat hits us again.   Thanks......

When I first moved here the house down the road had at least 100 feral cats the elderly couple were feeding. Kittens everywhere & many didn't look healthy. My other neighbor & I decided to trap them little by little, take them to the vet to get shots & spay or neuter, then we put them back. We did find a vet that did this with no charge to us, clipped the tip of 1 ear so we wouldn't bring that particular cat back in. Those trapped cats stayed at their original home so trapping them didn't scare them off.
Heyas. Doing my monthly check in. I've been crazy busy with my art and crafting costumes for a convention so I haven't had much time online. My littles are a bit over 4 months now. They're all doing great. They're starting to warm up to the older girls now too. They stay segregated most of the time but if I throw out some scratch they all come together.
You have a beautiful flock & your Polish is stunning!
You have a beautiful flock & your Polish is stunning!
Thank you :) The polish is the leader of the new group and she's a ham. She can't see where she's going and will take off across the yard and all the other's follow right behind. She puts her head down and runs full speed like a road runner until she practically hits a wall. Then the whole chicken train stops and looks around very confused like "what are we doing here?" She's also extremely curious. She follows me like a puppy. All the other girls come running to see if I have treats, when they see I don't they go back to whatever they were doing but not Padme. She follows me the entire time I'm outside, even if I have the push mower, she follows me back and forth and back and forth.
Help! Still have my 2 roosters, 1 aloha and one RIR. Any takers? Anyone know anyone? City sent notice they need to be gone by tomorrow. .. my girls are adamant they not be eaten. .. any suggestions?

Did you put them on Craigslist. I was finally able to find a home for my 2 roosters on there. Good luck.
Did you put them on Craigslist. I was finally able to find a home for my 2 roosters on there. Good luck.

Not yet. .. chaos at our house. .. my husband's grandma passed last week and unfortunately the roosters are at the bottom of the list. I just don't know if I can handle the screening process right now. I might have to risk a fine by the city for now and delay until I have the time and composure.
Not yet. .. chaos at our house. .. my husband's grandma passed last week and unfortunately the roosters are at the bottom of the list. I just don't know if I can handle the screening process right now. I might have to risk a fine by the city for now and delay until I have the time and composure.

Sorry to hear that, hope all gets better soon. I saw a few that said they would take roosters but not sure where they were - I think down in your area. Anyway, good luck.
Im hoping I can get a good colony going I want them for three reasons 1 to get rid of the house flys on my property, 2 to feed my chickens, 3 to speed up the process in my compost pile. I dont use worms to fish I am a fly fisherman ;)
All the same reasons why I want them. I've never fly fished but want to do that too. When I was working at the APS plant in Farmington, NM I crossed this beautiful river everyday and was told that it was a tourist attraction because of how great the fishing was. I ended up working 90 hrs, 70, 70 and 62 hours those weeks and never found time. Looking back, I wish I'd quit and just went fishing.
I've put an ad on CL for Mealworms, BSF and Red Wigglers but no response. I was hoping someone had a surplus and could help start my colony off. I may just have to break down and buy some.
I've had people drop cats and dogs out here in the country, but chickens? That is not only cruel to do to their chicken, (place a Craig's list ad if nothing else) but what about the potential damage to the chicken keepers flock when introducing diseases that your chickens haven't been exposed to before! There is no cure for stupid!
Out of sight, out of mind. That's the only way to explain it I think. People do it to their own children so it doesn't shock me that they're doing it to animals. I hate it when I hear someone wants to get a male and breed their dog. Why? Oh because it's a nice dog. Gotcha. We kill so many noce dogs everyday. Many healthier than Pure Bred dogs that come with more health problems due to bad breeders.
We have a feral cat that I want spayed. We enjoy having her here and she's good with the chickens and keeps the pests down - except those crazy ground squirrels! Not sure anybody can control those little critters. I am not able to pay for a spay at this time because of high hospital bills. Where can I get help for this? Ideas. Also I live in the Casa Grande area so not everything is available to me that is in the valley cities. AND last one question. If I do the trapping will she leave because she is angry at me?? I don't want that to happen. BUT I would really like her spayed before another heat hits us again. Thanks......
Someone mentioned the other day on here that they had a live trap that they'd be willing to loan. I'd trap it, fix it, tag it and let it go. There are lots of events for spay/neuter around if you look.
Heyas. Doing my monthly check in. I've been crazy busy with my art and crafting costumes for a convention so I haven't had much time online. My littles are a bit over 4 months now. They're all doing great. They're starting to warm up to the older girls now too. They stay segregated most of the time but if I throw out some scratch they all come together.
When I first moved here the house down the road had at least 100 feral cats the elderly couple were feeding. Kittens everywhere & many didn't look healthy. My other neighbor & I decided to trap them little by little, take them to the vet to get shots & spay or neuter, then we put them back. We did find a vet that did this with no charge to us, clipped the tip of 1 ear so we wouldn't bring that particular cat back in. Those trapped cats stayed at their original home so trapping them didn't scare them off.
You have a beautiful flock & your Polish is stunning!
Thank you :) The polish is the leader of the new group and she's a ham. She can't see where she's going and will take off across the yard and all the other's follow right behind. She puts her head down and runs full speed like a road runner until she practically hits a wall. Then the whole chicken train stops and looks around very confused like "what are we doing here?" She's also extremely curious. She follows me like a puppy. All the other girls come running to see if I have treats, when they see I don't they go back to whatever they were doing but not Padme. She follows me the entire time I'm outside, even if I have the push mower, she follows me back and forth and back and forth.
Cracking me up. Sounds like my Delaware.
Help! Still have my 2 roosters, 1 aloha and one RIR. Any takers? Anyone know anyone? City sent notice they need to be gone by tomorrow. .. my girls are adamant they not be eaten. .. any suggestions?
It's hard when giving a rooster away to say what someone uses them for after they leave. I'd take em but they'll be used for dog food within the week. Good luck

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