Arizona Chickens


Are you getting more? Your location says New England..

I'm just gonna stick with the six I have now. Yep I'm a New Englander I know that this is mainly for people from Arizona but chicken people are chicken people no matter where they are xD

Are you getting more? Your location says New England..

​I'm just gonna stick with the six I have now. Yep I'm a New Englander I know that this is mainly for people from Arizona but chicken people are chicken people no matter where they are xD

Happy you decided to hang out here with us.. :frow
Too bad you could not join us for tea in the garden..


Anybody within a 2 hour drive of me (Tucson, Phoenix, Show Low, Tempe) willing to help out with some eggs I've got in the incubator.  I am scheduled to fly out the day that they are due to start pipping.  They are shipped eggs, mostly with saddle-shaped air cells, so I don't want them to be unattended.  Will give you a turken pullet in exchange for your assistance (7 month old, laying).  If you do not have an incubator already set up, I have a second incubator that I could bring.  Would need to meet you either Tuesday or Wednesday.  Day 18 starts officially Wednesday at 12 pm, so I'd need to lock them down either the night before or Wed night.
if no one is closer than Casa Grande call or text 520-450-5030 Mac
I'm wondering if anyone can help? I have 6 chicks and two are silkies and the silkies were straight run. So today I was watching them run around and stuff when I saw one of the silkies jump and stick its feet straight out in front of it. Is this a sign that it might be a rooster? Because I know roosters do that. Or are they just playing?

My chicks are a week old tomorrow (or at least that's what I'm going with) and I had them in a little box which was fine for the first day but then I noticed that they were acting like they were too hot and wanted more room so today I did this and they've been running around and peeping and just seem generally happy. So I'm just wondering if it's ok for them to be in such a big box at a young age? They seem really happy although I'm more concerned that it's not warm enough. I don't have a thermometer so I don't know the exact temp but if I had to guess I'd say it's about 85-90 ish under the light and 75-80 in the rest of the box. They seem comfy and happy but I just want to make sure that it's ok to let them be like this.

My chicks are a week old tomorrow (or at least that's what I'm going with) and I had them in a little box which was fine for the first day but then I noticed that they were acting like they were too hot and wanted more room so today I did this and they've been running around and peeping and just seem generally happy. So I'm just wondering if it's ok for them to be in such a big box at a young age? They seem really happy although I'm more concerned that it's not warm enough. I don't have a thermometer so I don't know the exact temp but if I had to guess I'd say it's about 85-90 ish under the light and 75-80 in the rest of the box. They seem comfy and happy but I just want to make sure that it's ok to let them be like this.

That looks fairly workable for a few days more, but you will find them hopping out of the box fairly soon, you will need taller sides. A lot of people put curved pieces of cardboard in the corners to prevent a chick from getting crushed/smothered in a corner, but with a small number of chicks, its not really an issue.
Your light looks fine, if they huddle under the light they are cold, if they try to stay away from the light they are too hot.

P.S., no box is too big, give them all the room you can. Also, you might tape the corners of the box to prevent a chick wedging itself into the flap.
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That looks fairly workable for a few days more, but you will find them hopping out of the box fairly soon, you will need taller sides. A lot of people put curved pieces of cardboard in the corners to prevent a chick from getting crushed/smothered in a corner, but with a small number of chicks, its not really an issue.
Your light looks fine, if they huddle under the light they are cold, if they try to stay away from the light they are too hot.

P.S., no box is too big, give them all the room you can. Also, you might tape the corners of the box to prevent a chick wedging itself into the flap.

Alrighty! They sure are bundles of energy they've been running around and playing for three hours and they took one nap break that lasted two minutes xD and ok I'll tape the flaps.

My chicks are a week old tomorrow (or at least that's what I'm going with) and I had them in a little box which was fine for the first day but then I noticed that they were acting like they were too hot and wanted more room so today I did this and they've been running around and peeping and just seem generally happy. So I'm just wondering if it's ok for them to be in such a big box at a young age? They seem really happy although I'm more concerned that it's not warm enough. I don't have a thermometer so I don't know the exact temp but if I had to guess I'd say it's about 85-90 ish under the light and 75-80 in the rest of the box. They seem comfy and happy but I just want to make sure that it's ok to let them be like this.
This looks just fine! You'll need something different soon though. Those little bundles can jump like a frog and will be out of the box!! The light looks okay too. I have a really large storage box (the kind you can put a lid on) and use that for the first maybe 3 weeks and then put them in a baby playpen (I got for $5.00 at a swap meet) until I put them outside. I could easily start them out in the playpen though. Oh and I don't know about the silkie jumping as a sign of a rooster......never heard that before. Enjoy them!!

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