Arizona Chickens

@BlueBaby It's not really about going green but you are thinking about the right movie. It is streaming on Hulu so I tried it and liked it well enough

I think I'm just tired of remakes or the umpteenth marvel movie I've been looking for quirky or different movies there's another one I liked, simple , called Please Stand By
I like this story, guys obviously a bit afraid of the chicken

For Inside Edition it was obviously a SLOW NEWS DAY. I did not see any danger to the chicken. he did not get it out of a burning coop. Fire is about 100+ feet away. I have camp fires in my backyard regularly. My chickens never rush into it. They do like to take ash baths when not burning.
For Inside Edition it was obviously a SLOW NEWS DAY. I did not see any danger to the chicken. he did not get it out of a burning coop. Fire is about 100+ feet away. I have camp fires in my backyard regularly. My chickens never rush into it. They do like to take ash baths when not burning.
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Now THAT is a fire!
I did like it so did hubby it's a long one but I kept interested the end could of been better, it's not a thinker movie just one of the movies to watch if you are inthe mood for a new movie I guess :)
We liked it too...
I think the trick is not to expect too much,
I always enjoy the movies, that I'm watching just because.....
When it's really built up.... it seems to fail....
So what breed of chickens does everyone have? Which is your favorite breed and why? I have a hienz 57 mix. I have 2 buffs, 3 black sex link, 6 EE, 2 lace Wyandotte’s, 1 barred rock, 3 copper Marans and the 3 I got from @BlueBaby. I really like my sex link girls. Big birds, fairly friendly and great layers, but I think my copper Marans are gonna be my favs. I have one that is named shadow because she is always in your business. Super friendly and wants attention.

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