Arkansas folks speak up.........

Well I guess I'll share my sad tale. My prize turkey, prize only to me, flew out of my pin yesterday, eight foot fence and my dogs got it. I had a really hard time containing myself. Still very frustrated. I'm sorry for your alls loss, I hate that with a passion.

I understand. My daughter's puppy killed two of my hens and injured another one last night badly enough that I had to put her down.

I understand. My daughter's puppy killed two of my hens and injured another one last night badly enough that I had to put her down.
I hate to admit this, but... When my dog got into the chicken coop, it did not stop. i eventually had to "discipline" my dog with one of the chickens she had enjoyed, and then made her sit there and look at it for almost an hour. This harsh treatment seemed to work. It has been almost 3 years and she won't even run the chickens out of her food bowl now.
Lots of losses, Sorry for everyone. I'm bracing myself, it sounds like losses in the chicken world are common, not to mention the choice to butcher and eat them. I'm just used to cats and dogs as pets, we'll see how I fair with poultry.
So sorry to hear about all the losses but nice that we all have some place to share. I had a pretty rough night. My handsome Bantam Chocolate Rooster passed away.
Tried my hardest to save him but just got to him to late. This hobby can be extremely rewarding but it does not come without losses.
I am going home to watch my baby chicks which is the really fun part of this hobby.

BTW: A good electric fence and a shock collar helped with my over zealous puppy. I have lose more chickens to that darn puppy then other predators he is suppose to keep away.

Big hug to everyone and prayers coming your way!

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well I guess I can add my sad story too. went out to check on everyone one last time-just started raining. went down the hill where the sebbies are (were) at...well something finally got them. they are all gone...the door was pried open and feathers all over the place. i'm so bummed! they were some of my favies!!

so if anyone has some that I can get eggs from, or any goslings. please let me know!!
Oh so sad with all the losses recently!! Still breaks my heart thinking about them going through that!! I honestly expected we'd lose a few when they were littler but all 35 of them had made it through...until Shasta and Scotty got to someone said, always harder when it's another pet that does them in!
Here is some good news... the poison has not gotten anybody... yet.

Al are acting normal, no bleeding, not weird behavior, but I know that can change at any time, but I am still optimistic.

Arkansas81 when I come thru Batesville, I can bring you a few BCM eggs if you want.
Hunt-yes I would love that! When do u think you will be coming thru. Wihat other kinds of birds do have, I have a whole gaggle yard full. Yes I just loved those birds. Sweet, interested in everything you were doing. Now I'm on the hunt for new birds..would just fall over if I could find a mating pair. But I am not holding my breath.....thanks everyone for your condolences.

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