Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hi. I have two silkies. I hear that silkies are quite broody. I'd love to buy some hatching eggs for them to incubate. Is there a way to induce them to sit? I'd like advice before I just buy some eggs and hope they adopt them!
you cant make a chicken sit... but when they do turn broody, shouldnt have much problem slipping some other eggs under them
I would like to buy some bantam hatching eggs. Does anyone here in central Arkansas have any?

My son has some nice Mille Fleur D'uccle, he would gladly sell you some hatching eggs.
We live between Lonoke and Beebe. I work in Jacksonville and could bring them to work for pickup.

Send me a PM if you are interested.

I am in need of silkie hens, pure only. any color will be considered, but I would like to get blue and splash. I would like to get some as close to Batesville as possible. pm me if you can help out my lonely little man, he just crowed!!

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