Arkansas folks speak up.........

You need to join Facebook animal sales groups and just keep a look out. I got a dairy goat with two calves REAL cheap (registered and from good lines). It was $150 for all three. The lady just didn't want them anymore and was selling out. It was something we tried and decided wasn't for us! I'm all for healthy eating and I love animals but I don't know how to care for some or administer shots/meds etc and vet fees can get expensive (which is why most true farmers DIY medicine/vaccines etc as much as possible)... me over here I can't even cut my dogs nails for fear of hurting them LOL.
I have joined a couple FB groups, I have raised animals my whole life and am good at self treating when neccesary, actually had a large crew when I lived in Colorado where I had a mobile pony ride and petting zoo business. I have always had some kind of animal or other so I am not scared of the work involved and know what it will entail, lol thankfully not going into this blind I have had goats, sheep horses, ostriches, rabbits chickens ducks geese turkeys dogs cats hamsters chinchillas to name a few. Can you send me the link to the FB pages you recommend?
I have joined a couple FB groups, I have raised animals my whole life and am good at self treating when neccesary, actually had a large crew when I lived in Colorado where I had a mobile pony ride and petting zoo business. I have always had some kind of animal or other so I am not scared of the work involved and know what it will entail, lol thankfully not going into this blind I have had goats, sheep horses, ostriches, rabbits chickens ducks geese turkeys dogs cats hamsters chinchillas to name a few. Can you send me the link to the FB pages you recommend?
You should get into raising Bison! They are worth $$! Anyway here you go:
There might be others in your area of Arkansas but these are the two I use/used.
Hello all!

Just sharing some pics!

Is there anyone in Arkansas that have and breed Naked Necks aka as Turkens?

I'm looking for buff Columbian, red Columbian, and mottled and speckled ones.
I prefer eggs for hatching. Can trade eggs if you want.
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Hi Draye! I'm still here. I think everyone is Christmas shopping. I need to get rid of some cockerels but no Naked necks in the bunch. You know how I feel about those. :sick

LOL! Yeah I do.
Got a few cockerels to get rid of also. I'm planning on keeping one from my 11/12 week olds. He will be used on my NN hens for more of my Green Egger Naked Necks. He is out of a green egg and has a pea comb.

I have 108 eggs in the bator right now for the New Years Day Hatch-A-Long. Will probably have plenty if cockerels to get rid of then.

Have an auction planned if nothing goes wrong for the 24th of January at the Salune County Fairgrounds. So that's most likely where all my extras will go.
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Is there a good showing in January at the auction? I have some buttercups, a silver phoenix and maybe a Cochin that I need to sell. The buttercups and phoenix come from Dr. Bramwell's eggs, they are beautiful.
Is there a good showing in January at the auction? I have some buttercups, a silver phoenix and maybe a Cochin that I need to sell. The buttercups and phoenix come from Dr. Bramwell's eggs, they are beautiful.

I've never been to a January sell here. As far as I know this will be the first one.
Facebook has Small Animal Auctions. Check them out. I can't get to FB from my phone or I'd give you the link. The owner if the page is Mollie Wright.

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