Arkansas folks speak up.........

Did anyone go to the HOTOPA show this weekend ? There was a man there that had some LF Black Cochins for sale I didnt get his number I think his name was Zimmerman anyone know him ?

Good Morning Arkansas.
Who else is experiencing a drastic shortage of eggs right now? I'm doing everything I can for the girls to lay more, but I've gone from getting 9 a day from 12 down to 4 if I'm lucky. They are first year pullets too, I thought they would have laid better....I have 12 more at 32 weeks that haven't even started yet, and most of those girls don't even look close. What gives?
I'm having the same problem. I think mine are about to molt.
I'm having the same problem. I think mine are about to molt.
Hey we have been putting a light in their coop for a few extra hours at night and after a couple weeks they have really perked up! We're getting about 7 a day now. I know it's not the all natural way and I wasn't planning on doing that at first, but in my opinion you have to consider cost. I have 28 chickens and I sell my extra eggs. When they stop 'paying rent' so to speak, they just become eating machines. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my chickens, but they have to hold up their end of the deal too. Whoever invented the phrase 'So and so eats like a bird' had no idea what they were talking about
fall moulting is usually 8 weeks or so but you can help it along with black sunflower seeds to make their feathers come in nice and pretty. Sometimes it is shorter. Shorter days make for less eggs always in answer to your other question. It gets better when they get used to it but you can put a light in their coop to increase production if you want to.
Do they always molt in the fall? I have been waiting on my 4-H birds that are now a year and a half old to go into molt and while their feathers look pretty rough, no one is shedding. We had one girl go into molt in the spring after she went broody and hatched. I figured it was the stress of being a mom that threw her in early and fully expected raggedy birds by now but nothing. Is that a bad sign?

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