Arranged Marriages for Ducks& Dealing with ex-GF Chickens-NEW VIDEO


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Sangre De Cristo Mountains , Colorado
We had a lonely Male crested pekin named Clyde , and we were finally abled to find him a girlfriend. Clyde had bonded with a hen we have but duck/ chicken love affairs never work out. So now i am ready to introduce this female khaki Campbell And hopefully
Fireworks will follow

Anyone know anything about pairing off ducks of different breeds?

Will add pictures & update later.
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This Is His new Girlfriend ,we haven't named her yet. Shes adorable. Loves Treats Straight from your hand. I feel lucky to have found such a tame pet duck at her age.

There was fireworks

Love at first Quack I guess


Houston , we have a problem... we have an angry stage 5 Clinger , ex girlfriend Miss Red.

Its a Good thing Clyde is all ready protecting his new girlfriend because Miss Red is dealing with this breakup Jerry Springer Style

I was on the edge of my seat when I read the title! Its like a tella novela...spanish soap opera... I never watch that stuff but I always read the soap opera magazines while in the grocery line checking out... I am always amused by them.
I love your nutty pictures! Its all hysterical! I think you should write a story about all this. I would read it! Keep us posted, I will definately follow the thread...especially if there are more dynamic pictures with hearts!
LOL! The pic of the khaki jumping out of the pool reminds me of my confused pekins going after my poor rouens and runners. The poor things cant enjoy the pool more than 2 minutes with out the pekins trying to mate with them (theyre all 3 months old, and gender is no question with the pekins, so no duck is safe) Thats how I usually see my runners, jumping out of the pool because a pekin jumped in

I do have to add.. That poor chickie. She looks like she has been crushed
Bless her heart, she doesnt understand

I really do feel bad for her. I agree, get her a new man of her own kind
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Miss Red is no longer speaking to Clyde, shes just angry for now. We have 2 roosters , one adult who probably will never try to get with miss red after the beatings he took in the past from clyde over it. but we do unfortunately have another rooster.. young cochin bantam. He will probably be the rebound chicken man in her life. Shes a brute though. Most Roosters are scared of her. Aplha isnt even the word

Clyde is Loving this new girlfriend , she wont go anywhere without him. He cant even groom her yet let alone get to third base , she's a little jumpy especially if miss red comes around ( as pictured when shes diving out of the pool)
Its kinda sad because every once and a while, clyde will walk off ,looking for miss red and then new girlfriend follows him -quacking away...

If they could only talk

Any suggestions on a name for the new girl?
I like old funky southern people names

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