Arranged Marriages for Ducks& Dealing with ex-GF Chickens-NEW VIDEO


I am sure Miss Red in banking on the hope that delilah will start letting her self go once the kids start being hatched

You can see the jealousy and sadness in Delilahs eyes when he gets up and goes over to check on miss red. Delilah always follows him quacking away. Im sure it translates to "who is she" " why dont you check on me like that?" "how would you like it if i called my Ex" "you know shes a chicken...right?!"
But then theres times when they can be in the same area of the yard together without fighting.
He is definitely one lucky guy- unless the two broads get together and decide they wont be played a fool, then team up and leave him in the dust

I guess only time will tell

More Pictures to come
I can hear the conversation between Red and Delilah now:

Red - you know, you should consider yourself lucky, Ducky. He is one hot drake and if you want to go around quacking about all his faults, there are plenty of other hens, er, ducks who would give their tailfeathers to be with him. Look at him with that perfectly coifed head poof, and those manly drake feathers, and those FEET! Why any girl should be overjoyed to have him as her mate. And if you don't watch yourself someone else is going to let him ruffle her feathers.

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