Arrowhead block swap

Here is the baby quilt pattern you wanted, I guess I did have time to send any problems with it let me know
Thanks Katsdar! Appreciate it!

I was able to make 6 baby quilt tops out of the Prairie Flower Swap blocks. Most if not all will go for donation at the Preemie NICU that I coordinate and collect quilts and baby hats for. some might know that my oldest daughter had triplets almost 2 years ago. The baby girls stayed in this NICU as they were born prematurely.

The quilt tops came out about 37 inches and will most likely be used to cover the isolette to block out light and sound. Later they'll be given along with the babies when they go home.

Do you see your blocks? I think they all look great. I had made some extra blocks so it worked out perfect to make 6 baby quilts. Thank you everyone for your help.
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@Anna6 love them, The all fit together so nicely.

Ok look at the first pic, the block in the lower left, who's is that? It looks like poppy fabric, where did you get it and what is it called? Gotta get some of that.
@Anna, they look great. I see 2 of my blocks. I'm glad to know they'll be for the preemies!

@kkatsdar, first image bottom left I think is one of mine. It's from the Free Spirits layer cake that I had from Missouri Star. They were cut a little off and I didn't use many. It's classic floral, snow leopard designs

These make me want to do mine without sashing. My other block is fifth image top right.

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