As seen on Eyewitness News (CT)


11 Years
Aug 23, 2010
New Britain, CT
I saw a story yesterday on a local (Hartford) news station about a woman who was told she can't have chickens in her town. (One of those ridiculous your-property-is-too-small ideas.) I wanted to post this right away, but they didn't have the article on the station's website when I went looking--not 'til last night. Plainville is right next to New Britain, so it's literally too close for comfort. She is going to get the ordinance changed!
Here's the link to the video & article:
I hate to hear about people having to get rid of chickens, if she didn't have a rooster leave her alone!This is why we moved to get away from nosey neighbors, we now live in an area zoned agricultural. Before we moved there was one lady who had her fingers in everbody's business. She called the select men's board because I had an unregistered truck in my yard. I bought it for the plow and sold it for parts so I got the plow for free. it was on my property for one month. week three I got the visit that someone made a complaint that our yard looked like a junk yard, the truck was in one piece and ran. I asked if the "women" across the street was behind this and the answer was you might say that. I had the plow on my good truck in no time and the parts truck sold the next week. When it snowed I plowed the driveways around but left her out with her shovel and broom stick

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