Asked Neighbor to stop what?

No, sorry, they didn't kill my horse or shoot the cat. Someone did (I suspect another house as they don't like other cats around theirs, but I put a word out it wasn't feral (they had shot a feral cat attacking theirs before. They weren't living there when the horse died of a puncture wound, vet said was probably a bullet or arrow someone else suggested (I had found arrow on property , next neighbor over had a blind facing my fields. I have 9 neighbors on that side. 3 of the houses at least have been rentals, and there have been illegal activity on that road. We back up to a National Forest and everyone has guns. Farmers carry them on tractors (coyotes,etc.) Shooting is pretty common to hear around here...

Also I didn't call police out then back out. I went into town to sherriffs office and asked what to do next? so if I turned up shot they knew were to look. The Deputy took me to judge who asked me my story and handed me a piece of paper (warrant). Now , I wasn't convinced it was"'deliberate"... lots of country boys who are "borderline" ...not crazy just not being careful, don't bother to consider if others might be in the hole or woods or a house nearby,,,, the crazy one seemed to be the 'girlfriend" and she seemed to be " blowing smoke". We women often get pretty vicious with our words, rather than actions.
I know something of where these people are coming from , they aren't middle class, college educated ... there's alot of "powerlessness bravado" then there are real predator types, I think the woman pushed things the wrong way.... He didn't strike me as a predator ...and I thik the younger boy was the son of the woman who was with the teens I confronted about the signs N phone terminal,that would explain why he leaned over and said, "I'm' sorry as I left"... A lot of southern boys are still respectful of their elders ....
If it happens again or I find or my camera finds them shooting onto property I will have to file charges. They are on notice and usually the cops being called and talking to them stops it as they don't want the cops watching them (as they are usually breaking some law or other , not necessarily on purpose, they just aren't that smart.
It's like we learned long ago, middle and upper class people may sue you over a problem, poorer and lower class burn your house down or shoot your dog....
Keep calling the cops every time they are shooting. Or do you want to get killed? The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Keep the pressure on and do file charges.
It sounds like you are trying to be reasonable about things. If the problem can be solved with words and some warnings from the Sheriff, then that's a good thing. You certainly don't want to set up a situation where that family wants to get even with you. i hope everything calms down and you can live in peace.

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