Asking for prayers for SIL

Wow, this is terribly sad news. I know of a friend who went through something similar, she lost her twins when they were only a few days old. I'll keep your family in my thoughts.
Just wanted to update you all & say THANK YOU for all of your prayers.... SIL & BIL are doing as well as can be expected although they have surprised me in that they are functioning in a almost normal way... the routine of their daily life is helping as is the fact that we were all together over the holiday... tears come easily but smiles are present too.... SIL told my wife the pictures we took (216) have helped her tremendously and has given her something to hold onto.
We knew from 16 weeks gestation that there was a problem but did not find out the seriousness of it until 20 weeks when they did chromosonal testing. The doctors were kind but predicted this outcome. We were blessed in that our local OB/GYN was her local doctor & once he knew of their wishes - had a plan in place for the delivery that allowed them time with little Levi. My wife is an OB/GYN RN at our local hospital and was allowed to be present with her sister all the way through this ordeal - even though she was not working that day. Levi lived an hour & a half which allowed them time to tell him hello & goodbye. SIL held him for 14 1/2 hours before she could let him go. It was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I have ever witnessed.
Since then they have gotten back into the routine of their regular lives. SIL said she prayed for a miracle but now sees that God provided many miracles the whole time. Children developing with this seldom go full term & Levi was 35 weeks... most are miscarried earlier. Most never breathe... Levi lived for an hour & half. She asked for time to know him, to hold him & to be able to let him go... and she received that. Their faith is strong.
She had her tubes tied. This was her 2nd pregnancy... lost the first at 11 weeks... probably the same issue... SIL said she could not go through this again & has always wanted to adopt. BIL was against adoption until this occured. Now, in time, they will search for the child God has for them.... like our DD was chosen for us. Please continue to pray for them in the days ahead as they will never "get over" this... and again THANKS for all of your prayers & thoughts.

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