Assorted Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Poults & Ducklings for Sale

What type of polish and turkies do you have?
Polish are not pure right now. They are mixed in the rainbow layer pen. They will likely be crested easter eggers.
Turkeys will be mostly blue slate (black, blue & lavender) with a possibility of mottled (1 palm hen in the mix covered by blue slate tom). Poults are $15 each at hatch regardless of color. I also have some heritage mixed colors hatching mid May & a few eastern wild due the end of May.

Looking for quail hatching eggs, chicks, or adults.
I'll have a few hatching on 5/5. I have eggs available, PM me for prices if interested.
how much are your baby turkeys do you have any males? and how much is shipping i live in grand praire, texas

I have a waiting list for my turkeys. Poults are $15 each at hatch. Depending on how many you want will determine how old they need to be to ship safely. You can also fill in the extra space with chicks that you can use as tutors anyway. PM me your info if interested & I can figure shipping & such from there.
I have a waiting list for my turkeys. Poults are $15 each at hatch. Depending on how many you want will determine how old they need to be to ship safely. You can also fill in the extra space with chicks that you can use as tutors anyway. PM me your info if interested & I can figure shipping & such from there.
bummer how long is the waiting list? and how big do your toms get?
I have 2 people waiting on 4-5 poults each & have a large batch of mixed heritage poults due 5/14 & a smaller batch of the slates & mottleds due on 5/5. I try to get a batch in every 1-2 weeks depending on egg orders & the cooperation of the hens. Slate toms reach around 30 pounds by 2 years old. The mottleds will be slightly smaller.
I have 2 people waiting on 4-5 poults each & have a large batch of mixed heritage poults due 5/14 & a smaller batch of the slates & mottleds due on 5/5. I try to get a batch in every 1-2 weeks depending on egg orders & the cooperation of the hens. Slate toms reach around 30 pounds by 2 years old. The mottleds will be slightly smaller.
the price is a bit high but the size is good.

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