At what age do Black Australorps begin to lay their first eggs???

Hi all!! I just thought I'd pop on here and share that our BA was one day shy of being 22 weeks when she gave her first little egg!! In the nest bucket and all, just like a pro. :cool:
Isn't it amazing how they know to lay an egg in nest box... how do they do that?
My two BAs and my one Light Sussex all did that. I have two nest boxes, one on top of the other (I wanted them side by side but my SIL had his own ideas). Brilliant.

I've now got 2 hens lounging around and the rooster huddled with them.. I come near and they all get mad. Am I about to see me first eggs?! Oh I hope I hope I hope lol.... The pullet on the wall side has been acting moody for several days but today she doesn't even want to get up and eat...
Have three bardrock hens and a rooster. When do I need to be concerned about the nasty deed and how do I control the randy teenager besides the soup pot...
I know nothing about roosters but I do know about instinct. See a vet and look at a possible hormone implant.
You cannot 'control' a normal function/instinct in an animal.
Maybe some of the experienced folk can help here.
Have three bardrock hens and a rooster. When do I need to be concerned about the nasty deed and how do I control the randy teenager besides the soup pot...

If you are worried about him fertilizing all the eggs you want to eat it's ok... You can eat them safely.
If it's just him harassing the girls but you still want him for the overall baby ability later I would suggest fencing off a small part of your run and adding one of those single roost coops... Or make one with a few pieces of plywood and a few 2x4s... A simple A-frame 2x3 foot should be fine for your teen lol
We rescued our BA back in a June of this year and this being my first time raising chickens, I'm not sure how old she is. Clearly her comb and wattle are bright red, so I'm hoping she will lay soon. If there's anyone here that can tell me how old she might be, that would be great! Thank you!
We rescued our BA back in a June of this year and this being my first time raising chickens, I'm not sure how old she is. Clearly her comb and wattle are bright red, so I'm hoping she will lay soon. If there's anyone here that can tell me how old she might be, that would be great! Thank you!

Are you sure she's a she?... If yes than she looks like my 21 week olds... Maybe a week older... Mine just started laying this week...
Thanks for the reply TJordan! You know, I'm not sure if she's a she. I haven't heard a crow, but may not be old enough yet. Here's another pic of "her"...

I HOPE it's a hen...
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Thanks for the reply TJordan! You know, I'm not sure if she's a she. I haven't heard a crow, but may not be old enough yet. Here's another pic of "her"...

I HOPE it's a hen...

I've been reading and asking around A LOT and a few indicators can help you... 1st... If the waddle (the red part by the cheeks) are longer than wide then it's male.. 2nd .... The neck feathers will be more flowing and pointed in a male...

From the picture you bird looks like a lady... Watch for eggs, get her on a layer feed and oyster shell feed... You might want to get another hen because she might be a little lonesome....
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