Attack hen breed?


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Santa Cruz
So I was given this lovely lady(NOT) some months ago and was told she was an EE. Yea, that would be a no. lol I was also told she was sweet as pie. Um, yea don;t think so. LOL

This is my attack hen dirty snowball. AKA Madusa She never fully recovered from a molt and is part neekid head. No one pecks on her because she is the "attack chicken" everyone runs from her. Well till my roo can corner her. LOL If I go out she attacks my feet, legs, pants, oh anything. LOL/ She charges at you too.

SO this is the attack chicken with no breed info. I would love to get rid of her and knowing what she may be would help LOL


she is very sleek and has a thin frame
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I would love a mean hen, she looks like maybe and Australorp? I'm not too sure. I want a hen that can take the place of a rooster, since I can't have one.
I had a game hen mix that was like that,she ruled the roost...but she would not attack people,just the other hens and any roos...

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